Page 429 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 429
A fire at the village near Suk al Kharnes, the second in two years or so - somewhat suspicious, it may be that
the big compensation we gave to the village near the Portuguese Fort suggested this one. A very busy
morning, had a long time with Leigh & & Seyd Mahmood going over his department's affairs - they are
spending more every year & showing bigger losses. He does not seem to understand, saw various people &
got a lot of work done - didnt get lunch till 2.15. Drove over to Mhq & took some photos of the new womens
hospital. A cocktail party at Jufair, a lot of people on the lawn. Quite pleasant. Hay got his K & she got a
K.I.H silver medal like M, dinner with Pelly, the RBs Godfreys & two sailors, played darts till much too late
an hour.
Nair came to see me about his proposed marriage to Mrs Sawaf, had a long session with him.
S/Inspector Mahmood died of T.B. I am very sorry, a big loss he was a faithful fellow & good policeman.
Friday 13th June
Went to Jidda after breakfast from Manama, in Havar, she is no faster with the new engine than she used to
be, a lovely day, a cool breeze but not enough to be unpleasant at sea. Spent most of the morning in the sea
& I got very browned. Worked in the afternoon & evening after a walk round the island & put away all the