Page 430 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 430
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1945 -
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loose things in the cupboards. At last I am —bfii
at the end of my annual report - what a job it has been, if I could
have had a week to takle it, undisturbed, I could easily have finished it.TLast entry until 6th October!
Monday 6th October
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Arrived at about 8pm. A great concourse of people at the pier to meet us, so many that 1 had no word with i
Galloway or Jackson who came to meet Hay, all well at home, house very clean & tidy. Rather hot & damp
but a breeze. —m
Tuesday 7th October
Drove round before breakfast & saw some of our new buildings. Office, HH & the Shaikhs came in & all
throught the morning a constant stream of callers, merchants, Shaikhs, employees & people of all sorts, they
really did seem very pleased to see me & I think rather emphasised it owing to the recent disturbances, which
seem to have been entirely anonymous. Discussed with HH the question of the Post Office & stamps, he
very much wants to have his own show - which would add to the complications of life, for those who run the
government. HH seemed very glad J was back but Sh A looked, I thought, extremely sulky, he is suspected