Page 428 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 428
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Monday 9th June
Didnt go to the court. Spent some time at the Agency discussing whether or not to have a do for Kings
Birthday, decided against it - saves time & trouble.
.----1 SAI
Wednesday 11th June “t
Didnt ride worked in office. Spent some time at the school with Ahmed Omran and then to the Fort, nothing
much to deal with there, released the men who were on guard at the agency, there is no possible reason to
suspect them as they were inside & the theft from a room opening out onto the road.
Meeting of Gymkhana club - a lot of people came, it lasted from 6.30 - 9 but we did get a certain amount
done though at first nobody said anything. It was quite an amiable meeting. I had been going to see a local
medical propoganda film at TTs but called it off, too late to go there.
Thursday 12th June