Page 424 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 424



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  Wednesday 28th May

  Rode up to the Palace, met a man who said his coat had been stolen with 3000 in the pocket - doubtful tale.
  Saw M Oweyser about an estate & then had a meeting at school with R.B & Grisewood Sh A, Sand Tabara
  & Ahmed to decide on the boys for scholarship from Bapco then had a look at the school. From there went
  to the Fort & stayed till 1 pm & then saw the auditors clerk - discussed accounts. Quite decent weather still.
  To Muharraq in the afternoon for a certificate giving party at the school, Sh A & I myself were the guests,
  quite a pleasant affair. Dick Snow to dinner and then to see Of Human Bondage, Somerset Maugham. A
  good strong picture which I much enjoyed.

  Why do parents take children - boys - to the tomb behind town to have ears pierced for earrings - saw a
  procession & Ali explained reason.

  Friday 30th May

 At Jidda, came back via Budeya, very strong wind got soaked
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