Page 446 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 446
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Very lazy day. Gardened all the morning, the Andreasens came in, gardened again after lunch & after tea
drove to Gasari. which was looking very attractive & paid two calls in both cases not at home. A nice day,
not too hot. r
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Saturday 1 st November
Rode. Aiwa produced a list of suspects in the anon letter matter, most of whom I suspected myself. Rode
round the bazaar as usual, rather dirty in the narrow part. HH came as usual, Sh A doesnt stay long now a
days. Discussed old history of the time of Col Pelly who was PR about the Zubara date, apropos of a book
by him which I had got. Discussed the race meeting & HH again spoke about the doings while I was away.
Sh A is presiding at a meeting in aid of Palestine which may be rather mischievous. HH in very good form,
discussed his dinner party - 76 people, & the ways of Europeans & dress. Later saw Hasaid b Mohd, about
his going to a University, Sgt Smith, Mansoor al Aragdh, who also discussed anonymous letters, the Hindu
photographer arrived from Karachi with family full & frightful stories about Moslems murdering Hindus &
the K.S Abdul Hai, a tiresome old Punjabi who used to be at the Agency full of stories of the wicked doings
of Hindus - it gives me some pleasure to be able to say to them all that it was them who wanted us to leave
India. Drove round the Race Course & to dinner at Rafaa, a huge party of Europeans. Hay looked very sour
and didnt seem to get on well. His Arabic is weak & HH talks to him slowly & carefully but even so it
doesnt always get across, went to see Jackson at the Agency afterwards.