Page 451 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 451
Bishop departed early in the morning by air being given a lift by French who came down here for a couple of
days. HH didnt come in as he is out hunting at the end of the island. Got a good deal of work done.
Went to the Race Course with Ahmed Derwish to fix up about things to be done before the races, Gomall &
Sword called & also the Lewis's, he is ALO. She is more or less Egyptian, but pleasant. Hot evening no
breeze. Lovely sunsets lately.
Wednesday 12th November
Mrs Hick arrived by air from England, but no news of him. Didnt ride as the horses came too late. Spent
some time at the Fort & looked over a very scruffy bunch of recruits. Office, saw various people. Gardened
& then took Mrs H for a drive & to see over their house which she seemed to like, after that drove round the
bazaar. Dined with the Parkers & played bridge, Grisewoods & Perfects were there, a pleasant party & a
very good dinner, the younger parties are much less dull than the senior people. Have not begun to get down
to my budget.
I Friday 14th November