Page 452 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 452
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Went to Jidda taking Miss Hills, a very strong shamaal & quite chilly, the first cool weather since we have
been back. Did nothing in particular. On return trip we called at Om as Sabaan & had a look at the house,
bottom part is finished & first story getting on but rather slowly. The garden looked very nice. Went to
dinner with the Lewis's to meet Air Marshall & Lady Midhurst, a cocktail party in progress when we arrived,
in the garden, which was rather chilly so dinner was on the late side. A poor dinner badly served but Mrs L
had only lately arrived. Also present the naval officer & a young couple from Tehran, he Air Attache at the
Legation there. Quite a pleasant party. Mrs Lewis wearing a red dress, looked very definitely Egyptian.
Wednesday 19th November
Spent most of the morning at the Fort, looked over a lot of recruits & dealt with a few cases.
Thursday 20th November