Page 453 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 453

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        Highwood arrived in the morning & came in to see me, he seemed somewhat reluctant to stay with Rupe.
        Lewis came in also to fix up about going down the town to see the Muharran show. H knows Gent very well
        & brought messages from him. Busy day in the office as everyone seemd to want to get things done before
        the holidays. A bit of a row between a Negdi & Bahrani at a matems which caused some fuss, Said Seyd got
        very excited about it & he & the others came to see me about it after dinner.

        Friday 21 st November


        The Agency had a party in the morning to celebrate the royal wedding, usual sort of affair, on the veranda,
        only one American came though Hay had put a notice in the local paper of open invitation.

        Indian sloop in, HH wrote saying he couldnt call on PR as he had a cold - I fear he didnt want to, he went out
        hunting instead.

        Dinner party at the Agency, very heavy affair, played Bridge, quite good Bridge but it went on much too long
        & we didnt get home till one oclock.

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