Page 124 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 124



              Ncjd is supplied from Bahrain cm TTasa and this   tho prosperity of Bahrain to anv
            route is utilized to supply Bedouin wants up to a   the pearl oyster shell, which i«nt nn<* UiM •
            point probably eoinowhoro half-way between Kiadli   quantities to Hamburg (other ctport?1TCd
            and Zilfi, from whenco and beyond either tlio Kuwait   report aro raero transhipment^ Vho*n tU
            or Zubair routes are used. There appears to bo liltlo   thills used to bo shipped to iindon"”.'/1' ,l'w
            likelihood during tho next few years of many improve­  greater facilities, or better roachW batovri"Eto
            ments being raado in tho lino of communications or in   tho whole trodo has boon transfer^' ^^1/
            diminution of looting and fighting. Tbo utmost that   In tho year under report tho oxporU w
            can bo expected is for tho Ojair-jjofuf (Hnsa) route   havo exceeded aU proviooa year, and fv ■ hc"i
            to be kept clear of Bedouin, when trado would have   greater number of exporters and in wll!,B dnc to
            some chance of increase, but oven then this country is   This trado is nearly at its zenith uow^ rricct-
            of too poor a naturo to make much difference to trado   quantity, but may probably improve in
            for some years to come. It may therefore bo said that   quantity could of course be very WlJ •   ^
            there is little to be expectod from increased trade with   only tho present market has no denied hfT**1
            the mainland for some years and at no time is it ever   Inferior oyster sheila, and so largo qnantitie, of ft"
            likely to riBO to any great dimensions.    which are fished up are again discarded.   n°*°
              (<f) Increase of luxnries in the last few years has
                                                        8. Before leaving the topic of pearls. I u
            been largely noticeable in tho town of Manama and   submit the opinion that it is a pity that no BrVi
            generally among the richer inhabitants of Bahrain, no
            doubt consequent upon their going to Bombay in con­  firm can see their way to send a representative t
            nection with pearl transactions. Among the poorer   Bahrain for tho pearl season. A Mr. Rosenthal of
            classes no snch symptoms are visible except perhaps in   Messrs. Rosenthal and Frcres, Paris, has cov
            the food line, and they continue to live on conteutcd in   regularly coine to Bahrain for the last lour seasons
            their mat and date palm huts. Neither does there   and his transactions in these years are said to hare
            appear to be much prospect of the ignorant inhabi­  amounted to Rs. 1,87,000 (£*12,467), Rs. 3 50 000
            tants on the mainland making any attempt to better   (£23,333), Rs. 13,00,000 (£-6,667), Rs. -toioo’ooo
            their condition.                          (£2,65,667), respectively, this includes buying and
                                                      reselling perhaps two or three or more times ia
              The riso in cost of living continues steadily. I   coorsc of season, so actual capital was not nearly so
            am told by old inhabitants that some forty years   much.
            ago the richest people in Bahrain only owned about
            half a lakh of rupcos (£5,000 at then rate of   He is able to get the best available direct informa­
            exchange), while at present time there aro one or I   tion by weekly telegraph from Paris market, which
            two whose property is valued at 10 lakhs (£60,000)   enables him to effect his tiansactions on much more
                                                      substantial grounds than his rivals, and to such
            aud several worth over one lakh. It is said that in   extent is this recognized that as far as his trans­
            the meantime coBt of living has risen about 400   actions become known he is used by the other
            per cent.                                 merchants as a weather-cock of the market. The
              Now this is duo almost entirely to necessities of   profits made by him last year were estimated br­
            life having increased in value and also to a greater   other pearl merchants between 9 and 15 lakhs of
            consumption of rice, floor and animal foods, in   rupees, but I think that a gain of 6 lakhs is cot
            addition to the cheap date which formerly formed a   overstating the facts of the case. Such excellent
            much greater percentage of their daily bread. From   results could not be hoped for annually, and   were
            this point of view therefore we may expect increase   largely due to the gradually increasing tone of the
            in value of trade put through.            market. So successful, however, was he that smee
              5.  In a report of this nature it is only possible to   the termination of the year nndor report, his firm
            go very briefly into the main points which are likely   have sent another representative to Debai.
            to affect fature trade, but I considered reference   9.  Other European pearl merchants, such «
            thereto advisable to show merchants that their   Monsieur Gaston^ Pcrrone and Madame
            profits would increase yearly.
                                                      Nattan, have visited Bahrain, hut their iw
              6.  The result may be summed up that the average   not, I believe, successful- This I an 0  .
            -value of trade at the end of the next twenty years   attributable to want ot local knowledge, on
            may at least be expected to be about 50 per cent,   years, and the fact that in the brighterlight
            higher than it is at the present day, bat that it will   East pearls assume a lustre greater than they-po
            always entirely depend on the valae cf pearls, and   in the duller European lights.   j’enoted
            the above rough estimate is made on the supposition   10.  Should any British comply
            that pearls will then average in value some 20 per   to send a representative, I would be g gimplj
            cent, higher than they average now. The additional   any questions in my power, and "‘{““A,, the end
            30 per cent, is allowed for increased population,   state that the favourable time would   the
            divers and prices of merchandise.         of Jane till the end of October, ® * ^he East
              7.  Beyond pearls there is only one article which   representative should have exP?rJeDWft
            can be termed a natural export and which can aid  and if possible some knowledge of
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