Page 126 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 126
38. Two Basra steamers John O'Scott and JaJJarx Pice: Increase 11s. ,
called here 15 times. Increase dne to tho merchants U
39. Thirteen Hamburg America Lino steamers profits in previous years imported **crivclhl!^
touched Bahrain during the year with an average of actual requirements and largo A** ,£*
1,934 packages against 1,056 packages last year. liand at tho closo of tho year. 00** re*»aiaeJ **
Tho incrcAso in average is largely due to additional Haber dashery : ' Increase
13,000 eases korosino oil, which makes an extra due to general prosperity. 37,5-30
thousand per steamor. Kcrosine oil: Decrease 1?«. lfiipin
Pilgrims Traffic.—Two pilgrim Btcamers of tho duo to largo stock on hand from pmvioo *""l>CCre' *
Bombay Persia Steam Navigation Company carried imports were made by Standard Oil CoJ8 X0
158 pilgrims to Jedda in November 1909. imports as were mado consisted cnKr/i1*^* Sach
40. Freight to and from India were Us. 10 to OU. Urt,7 o* Fiaiae
Ra. 11 per ton. Pearls: Increase Rs. 42.10,000 :—Tha
41. Tho rate for sheila to Hamburg by tho pearls was normal bnt quality good, m/^^tj
Hamburg America Line steamers was 26 shillings is chiefly due to tho 30 per cent rise ln‘Teai«
per ton, and by British India Steam Navigation pearls over that of last year, ai.d sale (f
Company 26 shillings 3 pence. hand. ca
Exchange.—Turkish Liras’ rato during the year Flour : Increase Rs. 63,987:—P ra*pcrouscondii;c.3
averaged Ra. 13-11J- and the valuo of Maria Theresa and no stock from previous year.
dollars fluctuated between Rs. 1*27 and 1*37
per cent. dc^rd-dLontr;rosAfS^sx“p
in excess of requirements and exports increase.
Sugar, Loaf: Increase Rs. 13,010Increase ^
Ooais and Sheep : Increase Rs. 1,34,650:—Greater to there having been no stock from last year.
demand for meat due to the prosperous pearling Sugar, Soft: Increase Rs. SS.SS2:—Owing to
season. prosperity and corresponding greater demsud f„*
Wearing apparel: Decrease Rs. 16,700 coofectionery and sweetmeats and there was no stock
Decreaso due to btock on band from previous year. from previous year.
Cojjec :—Increase Rs. 2,63,S14 .—Imports were
larger than the local demands. There was also Tea: Increase Rs. 1,01,4.05;—Chirfly due to
large stock on hand at the close of the year. increased exports to Persia.
Coir and Coir rope; Increase Rs. 87 534:—Taking Planks and Beams: Increase Rs. 23,155.—la-
advantage of prosperous season, Masters of boats creased building.
both here and on mainland took opportunity of more Tobacco : Increase Rs. 2,20,339:—Heavy imports
extensive removals to their boat ropes.
from Tracial Oman. There was no stock on fcaal
Piece Goods: Increase Rs. 9,91.900.-—Under pros from previous year.
perous conditions tho demand improved. Stock at
end of year wsb great and price3 ruling higher Broad Cloth: Increase Rs. 28,515:—Return to
merchants brought more than required. About normal conditions.
double the usual quantity was re-exported in the Abas: Increase Rs. 34,150:—Normal conditions.
preceding year thus depleting stocks.
Dates: Increase Rs. 2,12J850:—Increase doe to Carpets : Increase Rs. 49,960: —Prosperity.
largo quantities of dry dates being transhipped to Sped,: Increase Rs. 84.44,903Owine to higher
India through Bahrain. prices of pearls more specie was imported to purchase
Charcoal: Decrease Rs. 80,600:—Decrease due to them, secondly, general purchasing powers rm
large stock on hand from previous year. greater, and thirdly, ten lakhs were re-exported a
Gold Lace: Decrease Rs. 68J375:—Not imported excess of last year.
due to stock in hand. Shells (Oyster):—The imports were
Gold embroidered cloth: Decrease Rs. 56,680:— same and exports in quantity were but ahg J
There is little demand for this article, and imports higher than the preceding year. 'Hua increase
have fallen to normal conditions after excess imports value of exports is owing to rise in price.
in previous year.
Wheat: Increase Rs. 1,23,170.—Increase chiefly C. F. MACKENZIE, Capt**
dne to good crop in India and Persia and cheaper Political Agent, Rohr**-
prices also. Thore was no stock on hand at the
close of last year. Bunin i
Barley: Increase Rs. 17f60:—Ditto. Ti e lOtl September 1910.