Page 14 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 14
Table shotting the total value of principal articles imported into the port of Bahrein during
the years 1003, 1901 and 1005—contd.
1009. 1004. 1004.
Principal Article* and Principal Couotric* from
wfcleh Imported.
Quantity. Tala*. Quantity. Talar. Quantity, Tala*.
BttSt—oonld. CNrla. CwU. Cwt*,
Other aorta—
India *230 2.540 *.3*0
Turkey _ 27,000 10.130
Fcnia M 180 210 10«
Sbclla, mother-of-Teart—
Turkey 0 1C5 3» 159
Arab Cca* 12 720 9 430 10 410
Arab Ceaat M 3S9 6.835 610 6,120 670 6,020
Turkey 160 1,360
Ojalcr (Linpa abeTU)—
Turkey 1,200 3.000 1,100 4,400 1.350 6.05)
Fer*i* 6.410 12.240
Silk [raw)— lb*. Iba. Iba.
India 2.8S0 21485 3,050 22.875 3,2-10 28,r.O
Silk p%tct-gto&» — Piece*. Piece*. Piece*.
India 15,100 1,49,650 1,61.195 143.SW
Turkey 7CO
Sfiett— Cwt*. Cwt*. Cwt*.
India 15790 9.880 1550 1UC0 1,640 10.660
India 180 4,(00 227 6,460 245 6,767
Black pepper—
India 15*20 61.600 1455 61,373 CM 56,778
Other aorta—
India 240 23.6C6 253 24.540 265 245516
Turkey 23 885 17 715 1,784
ParaU 110 4.376 96 6.706 4459
India £.480
4.950 6450
6*/*r, loaf— Cwt*. Cwtai Cwt*.
India 180 2440 250 64» 210 2.790
Parol* 76 906 432 6490 467 6,496
&%§ft top—
India 18.768 249.1**
13,078 146460 12,412 1,61400
P*rala 6447
184 1476 610
Arab Com* IS 476
Btfar tjadf—
India 401 6,210 620 4/00 1409 17,030
650 4,686