Page 15 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 15
* t hcioing the total value of principal articles imported into the port of Bahrein during
the years 1903, 190d and 1905—oontd.
1003. I VOL 1005.
PriocJp*! AflUlc. nnd rrincjjjl Countri* frotm
Quantity. Valia. Qa&otitj. Value. Quantity. Vnloa.
C*U C«U. Cwta.
Indio 1,400 19.920 1,210 16,780 1,370 17,126
r«x»io ICO 500 115 1,465 S3 MM
Dm. Iba. Dm.
Indio 67,160 25,170 63,750 31.400 80.250 89,415
fimlf <>•<* *ooj—
pianla and beam*—
Indio 1.7L7FO 81.680 69,642
McloH a 8,010 3.450 4375
reTt'io • 10,920
Briliib Eut Africa 27,740
Zaneibar 9.240 33.800 42.000
Marl at 050
Tetaio 2,400
Telafco— .
Turl«7 ~ 66,000 63,700 66,500
Arab Coaat — mm 2,03,250 137300 1,91,800
Pcraio — 12, COO 3.0S0 10300
Man a fact urea of tobneto—
India 480 650 Wo
Turley 8,370 2300 1,760
Pcnia 2380 1,150 1.004
Watelaa and dock*— C-ta. Cwta. Cwta.
India 6355 6.900 73M
Turkey M 10S 8375 160 3300 168 8300
Fcnu — 60 MOO
Woollen good*—
India 6*60 €y8SO MM
Broad-doth and otW woollen pi*«»-good* —
India 60360 45.400 60,^20
P««ian aloali (Abb*-)—
Tuliy 230.060
*1 2,18.400 132.750
6»»b Coaat _ f
6*10 10300
Fcnia ,H jfc* g
2300 8350 •*•40
***** "Mofactwaa of woal—
India ... _
14,486 8340
8330 10,530 8300