Page 163 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 163
Mats and mat lags.—Increase due to greater
ned that in the course of times these drawbacks I
j3y be mitigated, and the subject has been and is ; demand.
Reiving attention. \ Metal and metal ware.—Increase due to greater
In any case so long as the present qualified anarchy demand.
*is‘s on the mainland any sudden revolutions in (lie Pearls.—Decrease due to Qatar merchants having
Situation and the rise of any serious rival or rivals to sent a large proportion of their pearl* direct to the
jislirain arc improbable. Bombay market instead of disposing of them in
leaving these general considerations regarding the Bahrain as in past years. Nearly compensated by
probable future of Bahrain, a word may be said as increase of import from other foreign sources.
partis its business relations. Deg limes.—Decrease due to stock on hand from
The native merchants of Bahrain have no direct previous year.
business relations with European countries, and in few Flour.—Decrease due to stock in hand from pre
cases have they any means of carrying on correspond vious year, not balanced by an increased demand for
ence in a European language. Merchandise of Euro fine Hour for manufactures of confectionery.
pean origin they obtain cither from Bombay through Ghee.—Increase due to fall in price inducing large?
agents there, or else through the European Grins purchase.
established in Bahrain,, nr., Messrs. Gray, Paul and
Company (British), and Messrs. R. Wonchkaus and Shells.—Decrease due to the pearlers of Qatar
Company (German). There is therefore at present for having thrown hack greater part of their shells into
British Gnus no means of getting into direct rela the sea in order to fertilise the banks.
tions with the native merchants. Sugar.—Increase due to greater demand.
A few remarks may now be made with reference to Tea.—Decrease due to stock on hand from previous
certain of the items in the tables of imports and year.
exports. Timber and wood.—Increase due to greater demand
Lmpoxts. for boat and house building.
Cofjce.—Decrease owing to Inrce stock remaining Chan dais.—Increase due to greater demand for
on hand from- previous year and to a heavy advance of house building combined with rise in price.
prices in Europe. Tobacco.—Increase in value due to rir-e in price of
Coir and coir—Decrease owing to large stock Oman tobacco.
remaining from previous year. Allas.—Increase due to greater demand.
Piccn.goods.—Decrease due to the import of lower Specie.—Decrease due to the pearl merchants
grade kinds of cloth, and to stock on hand from pro- ' having disposed of the greater part of tueirprofits in
vious year, and to some extent to increased local j the purchase of rice,
manufactures from imported yarn. Xr,!c on imports.—Some decreases are accidental
Yarn and licist.—Increase, see last para. while several of the increases give evidence of pros-
Datcs.—Decrease due to insecurity of Ilnsa Oq«ir perity. Increases in paint, timber, and chandals
trade route; also to large shipments being made show that there was money available for purposes
direct from Oqairand Qatif to Basrah and India which ' that are desirable but not essential. Increases in
in previous years were transhipped at Bahrain. * metal ware, sugar, and abbas indicate rise in standard
Colour and paint.—Increase due to greater demand °* means to satisfy it.
probably dependent on the prosperous character
of preceding year enabling ship owners to expend Exports.
more in upkeep of their vessels; consumption is mainly Sad cloth.—Decrease due to the demand from abroad
local but there is also export to minor Persian ports. being below the average. Ultimate cause not known.
Fireieood.—Increase in value owing to rise in price. Piece goods.—Decrease due to insecurity of Hasa-
Pice.—Increase due to the pearl merchants having Oqair caravan route.
disposed of the proceeds of their pearls in Bombav Pice.—Increase due to greater demand from Turk
in. the purchase of rice. Early arrivals also brought ish Arabia.
within the year consignments which would ordinarily
have arrived alter its expiry. Tax.—Decrease due to a smaller demand from
' Persia.
Hides and skins.—Increase due to favourable state
of European market. ( Pearls. In the purchase and export of pearls
; European dealers were again represented by a mem
Gunny lags.—Increase due to increased employ ber of a Paris firm, who is believed to have pnr-
ment for packing dates for export in place of mat bans | chased and exported pearls to the value of R.
previously used.
i 64,00,000.