Page 164 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 164
Ghee.—Decrease, the price of ghee having gone up Rs. 55,462 (£3,697), of this amount V*. 53 ^
locally during the year the merchants did not find it represented oyster sheila.
profitable to export. The exports to Germany amounted to R* *1 m re
Shells.—Increase chiefly due to a portion of sheila (£26,245) a decrease of 5-5%, of this
of previous year having gone forward in the year Rs. 3,91,030 represented oyster shells. unm
under report. Prices were high but quality poor in Shipping.—The port was visited by 10t steam
comparison with recent year particularly in the on the upward journey and 37 on the down* **”
ease of native shipments. voyage.
Specie.—Increase due to exceptionally heavy Two Basrah steamers, “John O. Scott” &QC
exports to Persia and Oman for the purchase of “ Jaflcri” called here 17 times.
grain and pearls respectively. Eleven Hamburg America Line steamers touchec
As regards the distribution of trade between India at Bahrain during the year.
and the European powers represented in Bahrain. Pilgrim traffic.—Two Bombay Persia Steam Navi
gation Company steamers, and one Hamburg America
Imports from India including specie amounted to
56’3% of the whole and excluding specie to 30*9%. Line steamer carried 137 pilgrims to Jcdda in October
and November 1910.
Those from the United Kingdom amounted to
Rs. 93,870 (£6,258) a decrease of Rs. 78,460 (£5,231) Freight.—Freight to and from India during the year
from those of the preceding year attributable to ! varied from Rs. 8 to Rs. 10 per ton.. The rate for
the decrease in piece goods. shells to Hamburg by the Hamburg America Line=
steamers was £1-6-0 per ton, and by British India
Imports from Germany amounted to Rs. 97,065 Steam Navigation Company rt'i Bombay £1-6-3 per
(£6,471) a decrease -of Rs. 32,580 (£2,172).
The exports to India including pearls and specie Exchange.—The Indian currency is in general use.
were 72*4% of the whole; excluding the latter item, The Turkish lira fluctuated in valne between
M%. Rs. 13-10-0 and 13-12-0; and the Maria Theresa
The exports to the United Kingdom amounted to Dollar between Rs. 1*34 and Rs. 1*33.
Bahrain, 1 D. L. R. LORIMER, Captain,
30th September 1911. Political Agent, Bahrain.
Total value of Imports from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands during the years
1908-09—1909-10 and 1910-11.
Country. 190S09. looo-ia 1910-1L
Rs. Rs. Rs.
United Kingdom 90,900 1,72,330 03,870
India 63.10,829 1,77,93,435 ],60,17,065
Turkish Arabia 15,25.030 15,59,077 32,00,297
Muscat . 82,079 89.588 2/.3.196
Zanzibar 31,200 52,400 G8.000
Trucial Oman 1,81,330 2,75,009 13,37,390
Persia . 9,07,719 11,44,405 15,13.079
MukaDa 65,500 75,409
United States 6,010 1,09,G24 1,29,590
Germany 1,92,900 1,29,045
Katar . 10.G1.34O 43,03,090 10,18.790
Kuwait 6,90, GOO 18,41,000 3,000
Aden 3,000 I040
Franc® . 12,705 20,045 6,19,725
South America 6,32,333 6.83.033 65,815
Austria-Hungary 1,25,405 1,24,790 60.670
Belgium 38,250 39,340
Netherlands . 480
Egypt . 450 430 'WOO
Total 1,18.51,176 2^4,23,948