Page 282 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 282


                                            T<LBLL C-—■could.
              ToUl Value ol Importj from Principal Countries Into Bahrain Islands during the years ipu.,, ^
                                                QrXXTITT.                 V*ux
               Article* mud Countries from wheat*
                                         1911*12.  1(12*13.  1913*14^  1911*12.  1911-13.  19II-1V

                                                                    £       £       t
                Belgium .          CwU.                     933     540      600   1-254
                Eopt .              99                               41      133
                Franc* .
                Germany             99                      696                     SCO
                India               r»                      829      49      C7    1.114
                Italy .                                              41      33
                Persia                                      179       3             !U
               F.-orision* of all kind*—
                Arab Coace                                         5,000    4,346  W»
                Austria .   ,   ,                                     7
                Belgian   .   .                                                     •  f
                Germany   .   #                                       4      33     it:
                India                                              L5S1     1,433  v:i
                Persia .   ,   .                                   4,735    3,176  CX-i
                Tnrkich Arabia                                      818      eoo   lAi
                United Kingdom .                                    654      453
                Zanzibar   .   .                                    147      263
                Arab Coast                                           67      133    IT.
                India                                              5.291    2,733
                Persia                                             1,013    1,067  l.CfT
                Turkish Arabia                                       28      142   U3
               Mother O'Pearl—
                Arab Coast         Cwta.    25      30       24     100      100    K-
                Turkish Arabia              10      20       12      41      67
                Arab Ccast                 300      500     394     160      267    2!
               Oyster—                                                 ♦            *
                Arab Coast                          400     294     267      133    a
                Persia .                            400     353     333      67
                                    99                                       333    &
                Turkish Arabia                     1fioo    961     433
               Shark fin*—                                                          C
                 Persia                                             160      134     7
                Turkish Arabia                                               IS
               Tortoise Aril*—
                Arab Coast .  • 9
                Turkish Arabia                                               67
              Silk raw and silk piece-goods—
                 India                                                      4,398   ti
                Perm                                                                34
                 Turkish Arabia
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