Page 279 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 279

                                     TABLE C—contd.

                 of Imports from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands during tbt years
        Total  Value
                                  1911*13 to 1913-14—contd.
                                         QcNumrr.                  ViXUIL.
                ^a^rii<JLfr°m *hnC*
                                 1911-13.  1012-13.  1913-14.  1911-12.  1912-13.  1313-14.
                                                            £        £       £

        w* j««*r ^  -       Tint                    1,174                     313
          Arab Co**
          TarkUb Arabia      m     1,976   2j000             395     400
        0,ort and                                                             iS
          Arab Coxa*.                                         7
          Gtrnwj   •     »                                                   1/3(9
          India  -   •                                      1,021   1,100
          Persia  -   •                                      ect    1,054     5(«
          Turkic Arabia                                      2<8      67
          United State*  .                                    20      27
        jutken aid GlasrwQre
          A tutrii  .                                       1,638   1,400      13
          Arab Coo*   •
          Belgium   •                                         27      33       44
          Epvpt  .                                            80      G7
          Germany   •                                        3G8     487
          India  •   •                                      3,134   3,739    2,C9
          Perm                                               133     166      213
          Turl'iib Arabia                                   1,181   1,000     231
          United Kiagdv/m                                     25      33
          Aden              Ton*                     63                       334
          Arab Coast                 12      W        2       64     133       8
          India                    2,168   2/500    1,710  11,563   13,289   9/122
          Pertia             m       1*      40       1       28     200       5
          Torkisb Arabia     m                        1                        s
          Arab Const   •     m       94      85      94      301              294
          India .   .               185     300      2S5     628              922
          leraia .           f     3,663    4/000   3,200  11,722           10,644
          Turkiih Arabia     m                       91                       3C9
        Praha and Vegetable—                                                                 I
          Arab Coast                                         154      20
          India .                                           2,880   1,753    3/510
          *«"'• •                                           3/3 49  3,336    2,064
          TtirkiA Arabia                                    1,187   1^33     2^41
          Zanzibar ,                                          67     131
        Oold and Enver Thread—
          Auatria .                                •u       1,013    804
          Belgina .                                           40
          uemaar                                            8,067   2^86      IV
          l»dia .   .                                        107     GC6      893
                                                              10     200

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