Page 275 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 275


                                     TABLE B—conid.
                                    I.—Imports-—co * id.
           Tolal imports of Principal Articles Into Bahrain during the years 19IM2 to 1913-14—con/d.

                                  Qrixrirr.             Vxtrn.
                            1911*12.  1912-13.  1913-14.  1911*12.  1912-13.  1913-14.
                                                   £      £      t

                     . Tool  15,189  11,513  33,131  148,704  117,057  346/01  Increase owing to
                                                                      two rice steamer*
                                                                      having   arrived
                                                                      beginning of the
                                                                      year instead of
                                                                      about the end of
                                                                      the previous year.
          Cleat         n     1.439  1-320  1,767  12,791  11,667  16.471  Slight increase in
                                                                      Indian   «h(at
                                                                      owing to failure
                                                                      of Person crop.
          Cliot Flexx   .      290    375   501)   2.695  4,333  G.039
          Cni <* grak*                             4,513  5/167  3,353
          sj&d                                     8.921  9.C13  9/95
         ^ lv*» and Faints                         3.210  3.470  1.835
         1-ii                               1/1!4  20.404  14,333  13.791
         lc> Jsice .  . Tina.  1.976  2,100  1.174  395    400    313
         ] - .i and iltdlc’ne*                     2,117  2/iS   2,076
         lif-.n and Glu* ware .                    0,585  C.925  3,179
          Oxvoal .     Toni   2,194  2/363  1.777  11/55  12,622  9.474
          friwood .           3,922  4,335  3,734  12,551  13.911  12,1C9
         :ri*j and Vegetable                      7.637   8.573  9/05
         ■j. d and Silver tiivad .                4,227   4/36   1,000  Decrease doe ta
         "liciailcry ted Hosiery                  1/77   1.6CO   1/71  market.
         liiivire tad Cutlery .                   14.9C5  13056  12.340
         h-eand Skhs .                             829    900    1,649  Increase doe t»
                                                                      larger consump­
         faWd Goads .                                                 tion.
         y.*.hu .    . Cases   505   &G1    ’VOS  1/50   1J14
         ^i^lllu Bioji
                                                  2,089   2/87       Slight increase doe
                                                                      to imports from
                                                                      Arab Coast* and
                                                                      Turkish Arabia and
                                                                      increaje^di-mand far
                                                                      building purposes.
          Eeuiae ,
                     . Galls.  88,000  106/00  637/00  2/67  3/33  21/40  L*rge increase is daa
                                                                      to Anglo-Peniaa.
                                                                      Oil Company in­
                                                                      troducing their
                                                                      oil for the first
                                                                      time and increased
                                                                      consumption in
                                                                      place of fuel.
          fcrfallkia* .
                       •»                  19/20  20,637  10/20  1/31  Deer case  dot to
           01 *-*P.D.
   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280