Page 271 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 271


                                         ON THE


        for the year ending the 31st March 1914, by Captain T. H. Keyes, I. A.,
                                    Political Agent,

                   Introduction.             appear to be any special openings for other British
                                             firms. The absence of <lirect communication with
          A general description of the physical, poli­  England and consequent high freights still handi­
        tical aid commercial pecnliaritiesof the Islands is   cap British trade.
        given in part I of the Report for the year 1912-13
        (sos ail series No. 5052). Since that year the
        rgrlar population h as increased to about 110,000   Customs.
        red a larger number of foreigners now Tisit
        (Le Islinds in the pearling season.     The improved arrangements for lauding and
          As reported tast year the local Customs   delivering cargo are now working satisfactorily.
        Drfcr.oient does not keep accurate statistics,   The tariff is fixed at 5 per cent ai valorem by
        cciiHq-jently these have to be prepared from   treaty and at the present time the Customs work
        {timers’ manifests, access to which has been   is being carried on for the Ruler of Eibrain by an
        readily given by the courtesy of the Customs   Indian (Hindu) firm, a member of which acta as
        Dixe:t:r. They are, therefore, incomplete, especi­  the Director of Customs.
        ally ai regards export* to the mainland which
         a.*e ah carried in na: ire boats withont manifests.
        A largt quantity of merchandise is also imported   Inquiries regarding Trade.
        ty native craft of which none except those coming
        Irani Ldia and owned by Indians cany manifests.  The Political Agent will be very glad to
          Tb; statistics regarding movements of pearls   answer any inquiries regarding trade from mer­
                                             chants in the United Kingdom through the Com­
        *’d specie are very incomplete, as numbers of   mercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of
         kcal pearl merchant* who travel to and from   Trade. Enquiries from India should be made
         Barclay and t he foreign pearl merchants carry
         , ?e quantities of pearls and specie in their   through the Director General of Commercial
                                             Intelligence at Calcutta. Time would probably
        ,°oipg« or on their persons. There is no b3nk   be saved by addressing the latter official direct,
         !Q H-^ain and manv lakhs of rupees are brought   as information on most ordinary subjects is avail­
                 by registered post in the form of
         icdua currency notes of HI,000 or 500. It is,   able in his records.
               impossible to obtain statistics of all
                                                   Shipping and Communications.
                                             The tables of shipping annexed to this report
               Openings for British Trade.
                                             call for no comment-
         pjp-Jk'trade of tie Bahrain Islands is to a
                                                The following steamship Gaea call at
         Moli-    *n hands of Hindu, Indian         Bahrain—
         itvn    an<* ^£rsia° merchants, who have
         thus Lrf *i.n l^e3e Elands for a century and   (1) British India Steam Navigation Com­
         vrith lir th* greater portion of the trade is   pany weekly up from Bombay and
         fir*    There is one British and cue German  Karachi and fortnightly down to Kara­
           43J y k ^ 1X1 Bahrain, and there do not  chi and Bombay.
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