Page 269 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 269

           English Sovereigns, and Indian currency loth paper and cash are the principal currency of the
        strain Island*.
              16 Anna*                                          .  =1 Rupee.
             15 Rupee*                                          • =£1.
          Maria There** Dollars are not in much favour bnt are to some extent current owing to their
       popularity on the mainland of Arabia. Excharge fluctuated between 143 and 15S is. to 100 dollars.

                              WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.
              1 Rati or Kiyas .                          .  =1 *54  lbs  (Avoir.)
              1 Rubs' \                                  •   =4'11  „  »
             14 Rubas =1 Mann                            •   =57 6  „  n
             10 Manns =1 Rifaah .                        •   =576  „   „
          There are no proper standard weights aci those used by shop-keepers are frequently under
       standard.                                                              i,
          In the pearl trade the unit of weight is based on the Indian  measure  called Cbao, but the Bahran
       Cbo =4 Indian Chaos.
            100 Duka                                . =1 Chao
            330 Chao                               .  =1 Meskal =149 grains Troy
            66 liable                              .  = 1 Mnskal

                                 LINEAL MEASURE.
             1 Dhia (Cubit)                           . =13| inches.
             4 Dhin =1 ba' (fathem) .                 • =6 feet 3 inches.
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