Page 272 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 272
(2) ITambiirg-Ameriha Linfe about onefc Exports.
A, month on outward voyage only.
| Total of ' Gt
(3) Arab Steamers Limited from Bombay .Tut. r*wi«. srfeir andjr.i _V'Ul
l'ctrla. ,1;^
about once every three weoks, the ‘‘mi,
FteamcM calling again on return voyage 1013*13 «,ooo 1.033.333 X,074.333
from Basra. »1?4Q1 'a.\*
1013*14 105,343 1.451,293 1.N4.43*
(4) Tho Persian Gulf Steam Navigation*
Company Limited from Bombay about Permit**** -of -J* 1*8-0 -J8-« -tt1 -ira
once a month. The steamers calling lncr»w» or if- -**1
cr*ai( on preview
again on downward voyage. 7»“*
Owing to competition belweon British India and
the Arab steamers^passages to Basra are reduced Imports.
by 5s. when the Arab steamer ii in the harbour.
The total value of imports into the Bahrain
Islands amounted to £1,877,630 as against
Freights. £2,239,527 of the previous year, showing a decrease
of £361,897 or 15*7 per cent. 1912-13 waTa
To India p^ombay ®r Karachi) by British India 6tcssa record rear but the figures were swollen by
Navigation Company. 13*. 4d. per ton. large sales of pearls. In the year under repirt
From India— the catch was smaller. The importsof General
Bombay or Karachi. . 13/. 4<l per tom. merchandise have increased by 53*.') percent. The
C*icratta . . . 3c. to 5/. per bag of reason for the increase in imports i6 chiefly due to
rice (li cwt.). arrival of two large consignments of rice in April
To London—
Bt Eritiih India Steam Navigation Cocsfnny, transhipmcct and May 1913, and or ono in March 1914.
at D: rabay or Karachi . . £1 8/. 6d. per tom.
Bj Hamburg*Amenta Lioje . £110/. It Exports.
From riaabnrg to Bahrain by
Hinbuig-Atncriia Linfs . £l 12/. 64 to £2 per ton. The total value of exports for the year under
From Loodon to Eabtaia bp
Htmhcrg-Amerlka Licjo . £1 15/* 6i to £2 3/. per ton. report amounted to £1,740,008 as against
To Hamburg— £2.295,136. showing a decrease of £555,123 or
By British India Steam Navi 24*2 per cent. The greater part of this decrease is
gation Company . . £2 6r ZL per ton. due to the smaller catch of pearls and to the fact
By Eanburg*America Litje , £1 12/. 6<L
ft that the whole catch -was not sold owing to tbe
brokers holding up for higher prices. A large
Qenerai Remarks on Trade. amount of specie was consequently re-exported.
Exports are sent by native craft to both coasts
The pari trade still dominates the whole of the Gulf and no accurate statistics being obtain*
commercial situation, and the movements of pearls able it is Impossible to say if the jlecrease is real
and specie, though reacting on the movements of or apparent.
general merchandise, must be taken by them-
selves. The examination of tbe figures for gecenl
merchandise show that the percentage* of tbe
Tables showing the total imports and exports total imports coining from various countries u
under these heads for the year 1913-14 and the 1913-14 as compared with 1912-13 M
previous year ore of interest. follows j—
Total «f | Central
Trac. Bjxri*. Pearl*. Spec* aoi B/rchaa* Total Country. 1*12-1*. 191S-1A*
Pearl*. dlM. Import*.
per cent pet cent
W3-13 400,000 1.000,000 1,400,000 09JH7 ***** M ♦ lof
India «l*S -I*
1313-44 301,113 *31434 WO^TI usnjm Neighbouring countries 1*6 211
bordering cm th* P
Prroeata*** of —44-0 Golf. #0 -7*
iaercaj* or do* All other farrigu eons* 1M