Page 276 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 276
TABLE B—conchi.
I,—Iktorts—condd. 0
Total Imports of Principal Articles Into Bahrain during the years xpii-ia to X9l3-r^
1911-12. 1912-10. ; :913 H. ■1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14.
£ £ £
PiarS* S9££00 1,000,000 531,134 LV?9 &CTTMe d
to bxd ^
»*3U difficult,^
Pfifanery . . 2.7*2 8,315 6,764
• P:«c«-fx>li per 2,500 . Yd*. 3,793 135.C01 103,387 126,601
Drj limes . 1^94 2,067 157
Gl« . CwU. 9421 8,150 305,064 45,133 39,4zO 573W i Inc-eui das to Hr
I price of gbw ui
.1 ic.:reued desist
Combi Tons 758 6,467 I These ijpeu for lie
/ first time is Hi
P\%Uioes . 183 1.959 ). statement.
Vemicelli. . Csrts. 2,637 COO 833 3,403 Inert see dot to Urp
ccnmxBptios u
Previsions of nil kinifli. 13/T06 10403 i7/»i
Seed* . 6,399 4JJTS 6,637
Itoher O'Pearl . CwU. 36 55 36 141 1C7 120
ZZahcl 300 503 394 ltO 267 212
Onter . m 24*» KSOi 1,613 1.U33 6U3 478
Siark Tins 160 l-u7 74
Tiriolse shells ®7
Silk xml (Ok picco-goods. 1407 44c5 2,780 Deer cue doi »
o-i entodc edasri*
in Um pww*
Cudj Tons 61 51 70 1.063 TOO 762
Ld ** 846 1/110 1305 8,075 Iccrtus dss ®
meuss 1b
fcn* to Psrnu
dsr *
Soft O 9 2,017 U*U 2,438 30460 27454 35,768 coort*!^*
TaDos. . Csrts. 2433 t^r* 4,004 5/160 64-57 6479
T 7487 64U 6,000 34J001 30/V57 30.467 Inert*edd^
Timber and wood . l»4c9 4,474 11.205
Tobseeo • • 12497 17438 17,661
Wad sad woollen foods • CwU. 198 2,484 44*6 4430
Tars and twist . Bdls. 1439 ua 660 11.478 10457 e,9ES I D77rr.ti7i.’
417431 600/300 866,118 j
*P« - 6.469 7.5*5 9.097 !
i 2,065469 24394-27 1377/530 ;