Page 273 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 273

          br-e apparent Increase of imports from   to merchants in the neighbouring countries) are
        * ' J India Ip duo to the fact that imports   as follow*: —
      Gcr"fa0r-j ;a this report as coming from the port
      Jrc Mch the/ were shipped, and no attempt
      ttfbcto nude, as in former/cars, to guess at the        PzsotfrACTs nrotTiD
      coooUj of origin.                               Value In pop-
        For experts the percentages are as follows  Articles  tod in
                                                        1913-14.    VaiLed  Other
                                                               India.  Css*  coun­
                                                                     foOL  tries.
          Ce-uuSrj.  1312-13.  191 3-14.  Dccreact.
                                           Rico          316,801   99-9      0-1
                     per cent.  per cect.  per cent.
                                           Piece-goods   126,601   941       6-9
                        7-6    70     —S
      I»dia .
                                           Gbcfl »       67,803   17*4      020
      Jfrighboain*   couutrie* .  883  209  + 2-6
       berd-prii^ on the Penan             Coffee         65,138 »   79-3   206
                                           Sugar, loaf acid   43.S23   268  73-3
      |U other forego eotra-   4-2  21  -21  soft.
                                           Too .         3Q457  98-9         11
                                           Tobacco •      17,653  7'4       92-6
        The above figures show (1) that there have -t
      not leea an/ marked fluctuations in the flow of* Spicca   9.SSS  78    21
      trade during the year under review, and (2) that
      vhen spi-cie and pearl? are omitted practically all   1  From the above table it will be observed that
      the exports from Bahrainare for the neighbouring India heads the list in all the comm-ydities which
      countries. This port is a distributing centre for j the produces rand for which there is deiraand here,
      goods for Kair, Katif and Hassa and. a smuggling The United Kingdom dc-:snot produce any of the
      depot for certain goods on which a Ligh tariff is commodities in demand in Bahrain except piece-
      levied in Persia.                    goods and sugar ; as regards the form era great
                                           deal of that shown under “ India" no doubt
                                           comes  original Ij from the United Kingdom but
        Proportion of British and Indian Trade.  British sugar is not vet able to compete with
                                           continental beet 6ugar, owing to its sb’ghtly
        Excluding specie and pearls the principal   higher price.
      irtides of imports into Bahrain (other than slaugh­  T. H. KEYES, Captain,
      ter animals and fuel, etc., which are only of interest  Political Agat, Bahrain-
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