Page 274 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 274

                                                  TABLE A.

                       Total value of Imports from various countries during the years 1911-1:1 to 1913-14.

                                     Countries.                  1011-12.  1012-13.  1913-U
                                                                    £         £        £
                 A Jen .   .
                A rib Ccxut .                                     676.C2S   £49,125
                Auftria                                            17.227    7,211    1H773
                 Belgium                                           6,162     6,333
                Kgjpt                                                4C1      253      8.745
                France .                                             262      3S0
                Germany .                                          7,724     9,202
                Hongkong •                                           167      207     54.434
                Indin   .                                         833,172   088,784
                Italy                                                41        33    lftxjsis
                Xctbcrlnad* .                                        63
                Perain                                            116,009   126.078
                Singapore                                          3,217     2,734   T28. S69
                Sweden                                               23        SO
                Turkey                                               63        83
                Tnrkiib ArabTn                                    312,339   499.760
                XTnited Kkgdoa                                     17,169   17,156   1S4.017
                United States                                      39,695   31,451    9.957
                Zanzibar                                           1,589     2,304    1,760
                                                      Total      2.065,959  2,239,627  1,877.610
                                                 TABLE B.
                     Total Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain during the years 1911-12 to 1913-14.

                                            QrASTlTT.             Valck.
                        Articles.                                                 BzAou
                                      1911-12.  1912-13.  1913-14.  1911-12.  1912-13.  1913-14.
                                                             £      £      £
                 Hones   •  .  • Ifa.     S     10      6     80     200    130
                 Donkeys   .  •          123    150    130    725   1,000   920
                 Camels   .  •    m      3S     10     15     163    38     CO
                 IdOck Cows   .          23     20     SO     92     67     96
                Slaughter Aaicnl*—                                              Increase do* t»
                 Cattle           »     1,362   650   1200   3.450  1,800  3,600  lxrgrr coanwp-
                 Goats and Sleep       58,422  61,000  48,300  36-004  27,333  39.000  tioa. 1
                 Poultry   .  •         8,000  6,000  2140O   667    467   2,800
                Apparel, wrarinf .                           9,060  10,209  2,656
                Biscuits   •   •                                   •••    1.644
                Building Material •                         6,211  6,653  9.410
                Coffee .   •   •  . Cwta.  16,525  12.000  15905  63.268  60.133  55.138  Increase 6*
                Coir and Coir Eopa     10,055  9,002  17,100  7,371  6,834  13,539  crease b
                                                                                of asHing *r*U‘
                Cotton, raw      m     4,132   8,410  3,375  W4    4A44   6,325
   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279