Page 353 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 353

(On ins ids of fly sheet.)

                                TABLE OP CONTENTS.

          Cmrencv, weights and measures #                               l
          Introduction   ...                                            1
          Effxts of War ....                                          . 2
          Oprning for EritiA Trade                                    . 2
          Customs •   .    o'.      •                                   9
          Enquiries regarding Trade                                   . I
          Shipping and Communication                                    t
          General Remarks on Trade                                      s
          Import* .        •   •                                      . 3
          Exports .   «                                               . 3
          Proportion of British and Indian Trade                         4

          T a ILLS :—

            1(A). Total va!u* of imports from various countries ’     . 5
            l.B).  „ imperts of principal articles                    . G-7
            i;c).  „ value of imports from principal countries •      . 8 to 15
            *:a).  „ value of exports to various countries            . 16
            2(B).   „ Exports of principal articles                   . 17-18
            2VC).   „ value of Experts to principal countries         . 12—22
          Return of Shipping .....                                    . 13

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