Page 371 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 371

                                        TABLE “B”
                fetal Export* of Principal Article* from Bahrain during the gear* 1014-15 to 1916-17.

                            QcjurriiT.            VjlLU*.
            AitW**-                                                   Houses.
                      1614-15.  1915-16.  1910-17.  1914-15.  1915-10.  1915-17.
                                             £      £      £
         ;       . So    45            25    225
         PootfJ* •                                         515
        JJtilii*} maUrUl .                   329     7
                 .Tost  3*953*  2.0J4!  7.105J    31.202
         Ei«                                59,375       10-1^15  Tbe increase is duo to lb* railing
        :                                                       o£ tbe blockade of tbe Persian
                                                                Coast »nd better irariec on tbo
                                                                mainland. Though tb* iocrcano
        ;                                                       looks sbrurmal tbe figure is
                                                                probsilj below tbe mark.
         West •  • n    120           200    980     6    3.(63
         We»t flour             6\     11     70     97    235
         Cr.'ttr grains •                    400     28    120
         Ctir aid Coir
          Hope .   . cwts.  1.476  190  1,050  2,307  508  2,352

         rites   . Tons  SKk   630    490   0.990  6,017  5^*7
         1U kinds .                           18           31

        Chrroa] .
                                             391           200
        fumei .
         iW* ami Co/omrm.
            *«1 Coloerin*
        • lutensie   45
        i                                    214    111    31
         E'tcimmt ifoum mwi
         foris »  • •
                                           79,807  184.156  364^400  The increase doe te tbe better
                                                                state o£ the market
        ***** 0?«H . Cwts   9JSU
        k •rtoi,, .
                 • lbs.  460    336           130    107
                                           143/18  100,836  12630

                               2316   7,101  16/86  12,013  11.148  Thongh tbe increase look* &bmoi»
                                                                znal ye* it is probably bdov tbe
         IU,                                                    mark. Two-thirds of tie imnort
                 CiUona  8.177  964   1*344  8220    412    671  wsa piebablj • sported. ^
                   m   42,448  31.500  33/50  1*478
         ^Kiafc                                    U00
        W*ss                         m        128    78
                                            2,483    103   98
   366   367   368   369   370   371   372   373   374   375   376