Page 372 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 372
TABLE "B"-wart.
II.—Ex POETS—COltii.
Ti t a l Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain durin j the years 1911-15 to 1916-/7.—contd.
Quajtitt. Valcb.
Articles. Remarks.
1511-15. 1915-16. 1910-17. 1914-16. 1915-16. 1916-17.
£ £ £
Eog&r, soft* leaf
and candy. .Tons 4701 61 232) 7,919 1,272 6,502
Tea • 99 190 Wi 96 1C.7G9 7,920 10,240 Increase due to railing of
blocka-lo of the PersiiaCciit.
Vermicelli . .Cwts 256 251 »M 415 474 •M
Provisions of all
kinds . . • •• 964 1,268 680
Textiles and Fabncs.
Cotton G doIs . per 364 9 a 7,631 4,934 15,120 117,051 The in.-rea6a due pirtlj to -.lit
1,000 security of the H;iaa rc-jtc ij.
yds. ing £ i st quarter an! 'i-zrli %
the railing of the bl-rf
Persian Con«t and psnlMoU.-.
prices ruling. Two-:hi-I«cfU«
impor? was probably
this figure is likely to be
the mark.
Sail cloth . .Cwts 607 243 2,830 800
£:lk and sSc good* 323 200 ICO
gilrer and Gold 150
thread . 230
Twist and Tim .Cwts 40 280 • •• 120
"Wool and Woollen
goods • • 104 247 106
China, Earihen and 21
Glassware 208 86
201 8 15
Drags and ifedicines .
Hardware • • T*; 1,582 434 410
Hides and Skins .Scores 336 360 444 2,209 2,667 3,108
283 20 2
Household goods •
16 22
Mats and Mad Bags .
476 330
Matches •
886 14 600
Ferfumesy •
• •9 267
Shark fins •
••• 66S 221 400
Timber and Wood
Articles no* spoiled 426 398 280
aboT# •
461,624 368.908 779,943
Total MS