Page 381 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 381


       Map . "i ,           ^                                                 i
        Currency, weights and zncuurta •                                      iii
       Incrcduction .   .   •   •                                              1
       EfFcda of TVa ....                                                      1
        Opening for British Trade .                                            2
        Customs  •   •   .   •   .                                            2
       Enquiries regarding Trade .   .                                         2
       Shipping and Commnnication «                                            2
       General Bezzarli on Trade .   .                                         2
       Import* .....                                                          2
       Export*  •   •   .   •   .                                              2
       Proportion of British and Iudbn Trade                                   3
          1 (A). Tots] value of imports from va&us countries                   4
          1 (B). Total import* of principal artides .   .   •                  6
          I (C). Total value of imports from principal countries               7
          II (A). Total value of exports to various countries •               13
          II (B). Total exports of principal articles   .   .                 14
          TI (CV Total value of exports to principal countries .              10
          £eturm of shipping ••••••                                           20

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