Page 386 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 386
pearis, and at the Rime time obtain telegraphic Only 27 merchant vessels entered the port, x«
orders from them for payment to their head oCjccb compared with 40 ic 1910-17 and a normal nnrnler
in Bombay or Karachi. of 80. Calls have bom made as follows:__
Towards tho end of November 1917 there was
a glut in the piece-goods, coffee, wheat and rice C»Ii on
partly in consequence of the overstocked market X»u* of lint.
and partly duo to absence of tho usual visit* of
the overland merchants and caravans at this time Up n jigp. Down tojif*.
of tho year. In January 1918, however, Kuwait
merchants called her? and large stocks of food The rititi *b Indie F**.cwn 19 7
stuff* were shipped to Kuwait. The restrictions Nerlpit CotnpMj,
in Kuwait soon put a stop to this oatlet, and the
merchant* found themselves with a large 6tock of The Pcrti&a Gulf S<Uim S 1
goods, particularly piece-goods aud rice at the end Navipit'oo CoTna/*ij,
of the official year.
The iUl Line, Limited . . J 1
Freights varied from .€3 to £5-10 per ton to
The trade of the Bahrain Islands is to a large India (Bombay or Karachi) as compared with
extent in the hands of Hindu and Indian £2-10 per ton in 19*16-17.
Muhammadan merchants, who have had business
connections with the Islands for over a century, GENERAL REMARKS ON TRADE.
and far the greater portion of the trade is with The pearl trade of necessity dominates tie
India. Messrs. Gray, Paul and Company, the j whole commercial ritaation. The following
Agent of the British India Steam Navigation ' tables show the movements of general merchar-
Compaoy, Limited, is the only British 5rm. dise as compared with p-earls and specie
i i
The tariff is fixed by treaty at 5 per cent T ttr. j Specie. ■' P*wla. | Geserel Tcu:
*Ad valorem' on all imports, including transhipment ilM. Is;*-a
cargo, ar.d at the presfnt time the Customs' work I I i
Is being carried on for the Ruler of Bahrain by an | £ / £
Indian (Hindu) firm, a member of which acts as 1916-17 ■ ier.rn. 133.‘» «ou3s: j l.ra/r*
Director. Export dare of RIO per bundle of . • ' :«.ioo *10.W i UW.MO l.KSJ*
hides and R2 per bundle of dates is charged. 191 MS i
: 1
Percies —tf-M ; 4-W39 —jia + 3-0 j ♦»-4
I 00 p eTioo* yam. j ;
The Political Agent will be very glad to i
answer any enquiries regarding trade.from British j Exports,
arms in any part of the Empire. Such enquiries .
should be sent through the Commercial Intelli- 1 Tew. Sped*. Pemrb. ^ °ntTti i tjui
gence Branch of the Board of Trade, London, or * pew la. Cm.
the Director General of Commercial Intelligence,
Calcutta, as may be more convenient. Time £ £ £
would probably be saved by addressing the latter 1916- 17 . 123730 364,400 «W.l» s»jn .v»i<
rfficial direct, as information on moat ordinary m.ou I
subjects is available in his records. 1917- 16 . 317.998 I 3sa.m ______ I______ _
Parc*Bteft of fc*- —66 99 — IS-7J ! — 34 ar ! +7'f01 +**
oo prrrloea ;«*. i
Shipping has continued to be upset by the war, iMonoTe
ewing to so many British India and other r * _ * . , „ . .
Companies ships having been taken off the ran,' The total value of imports into "alir7T
consequently the regular mail servioe had to be ; amounted to £1,61)7, W9 as compared *
abandoned. A Hired Transport with maiU has * £1,529,753 in 191C-17 showing: an increase w
called here once a month from May 1917. k of £77/291 or 5 05 per cent. TLe increase »