Page 389 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 389
Total Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain during the years 1915-16 to 1917-18.
Quantity. Valve.
Article*. Remake*.
1913-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18.
£ £ £
H ore** . X* 1 7 30 513
DonWj* . m 12 *0
CuQCli . m 80 10 10 320 200 403
Slaughter animals—
Csttle • 500 00 2^7 1,766 20) 505
Gcati sad sheep „ 21,OU0 18,100 8,017 lG.fy.O 14.49) 7,651
Pcultrj . • *• 4,100 2.GC0 1,700 627 317 310
Apjare!, Tearing . 831 494 S57
Biscuits . . 62 129 109
Belling =aicrial. 6.612 2.372 3,210
Co/T<* , Cwi. 13,312 17,311 18,617 56,773 73,873 89,555 \ The deernae dee to
fall in price* as
compared with
previons year.
Coir and ciir rope . „ 3,651 3,172 10,379 3,057 2,776 13.S38 The increase die to
better demand and
high prices ruling.
Cotton raw . I* 7 149 235 20 710 1,7*4
Ct reals—
P.i« . Ton* 18,541} 20,927} 20,101 250,934 297,635 364,557 Large increase due
VTient n 879 1,490 2,923 13.173 21,560 61,230 } to importation
in lien of rede.
Vleal tear . „ 264 330* 376 4,457 5,132 8,234 |
Other grains , 3J76 4,531
Spice* 3,344 5,551 i5!in i} Higb ****** rdil1*-
Colour and paints 410 211 " *454 I
Dates . V . Toni *2,3721 1,695 23,034 17,393 18,658
Date juice . . Tins 8,762 051 1,<Kj3 2>J 418
Drug* and medici ne* 907 635 1,560
Earthen aid glassware .
926 99f S®6
Chxrcoal , * Torn 679 874J 1,370 3,634 4,110 13,978 11 Increase d=e to
I > high x price*
Firewood . 1,314 3,959 2,210 2,304 7,303 8,374 J ruling.
Fruits and vegetable 3,707 1,111 l,2SO
Gold snd clrer thread - • •• 160 200 6»X)
Haixriiabcry and hosiery 46 240 2C3
Hardware and cutlery . 757 LOSJ 2,481
Hide* and skins Scores 648 612 207 3^83 2,483 673
Household rood* 369 229 1,711
Hatches . Case* 384 370 379 3,816 2,757 4,673 Increase do* to high
prioe* ruling.
XaU and nat bags
862 L016 821
Keiosuae , .Galls. 241,360 154,400 148,144 8£4S 7,077 11,871 Increase due to >i|4
AD kind* . 9,897 3,764 4,712 798 962 1,111 price* ruling.