Page 392 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 392
table " c. w
Total value of Imports from Principal Countries Into Bahrain islands during the years iois-,o,6
to 1917*1918—conldm
Quahtitt- Yamji.
Artidee and Counlrice from
whence imported.
1915-16. 1916-17. 1017-18. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18.
Cotton, Raw— £ £ t
Artb Coast . Cwts 258
India . •t a 159 187
Ponia 71 83 76 20 271 93*
•1 7’ji
Kice —
Ann Coast . Tons 2CS «! 204 4,802 S3 3,I7J
haKuh t» 57
India n 18,255 20.917 19,885 276,013 297,488
Feaia 11 4 15 02 Cl
"Whcst —
A no Coast . Toni 72 178
Iriia 333 2^39
N 5,322 19,265
Persia. f* 516 12 7,856 1,817
Wfceu Flour—
Arab Coast ** 31 17 57
Furah n 5 84
In5a • 4 254 315 342 4,291 5,010 7,434
Persia • n 1* 16 25 92 315
Otter Grains—
Arab Coast • 582 183 1,107
JBurah 1.C61 128
India • 994 4,027 11,917
Persia , 539 496 173
Arab Coast . Cf
E *8 rail 11
Irdia . 3,S38 5,621 15,091
Persia 12 330
Colour and Paints— *
Adea . 8
Arab Coast . 23 127 JW
£v>zah 8
India 68 64
Pimm 326 42
Arab Coast . Toos 1,385 L2» lp67 17,366 16,964 \7fe*
970 427 86 10,458 662 871
%£ : t* 7k 120 V
Pavia 9% 10 n 7 160 372 JW
• Dale Jai
Ana Coast . Tine 3,663 an 1,50* 977 248 444
Parr ah f» 80 21.
Pi n 19 20 6 *