Page 393 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 393

                                     TABLE «C,"
       Total value of Imports from Principal Countries Into Bahrain Islands during the years 1915*16
                                    to 1917-18—contd.

                                           Qoaktitt.              Yaicb.
       Articles and Countries frem -whence iraportrl  ;
                                    1915-16.  i_  1916-17.  1917-18.  1515-16.  191617. : 1917-18.

                                                             £       £      £
       Prugi and AI»dicinea —
         Aden .                                                1
         Arab Cowi   •                                         11     M       57
         Basrah   -   •                                        1      25
         India .   .   •                                      651    281     918
          Persia   •                          • ••            3 43   329     655
       Zkrfben md Glassware—
         Aden   -   •                                          80   • N
          Arab Coast •   •                                     19     35      18
          Basrah   .   •                                       61
          India                                               767     910    927
          Penis                                                 9     52      41
        Charcoal —
          Arab Coart ,        . Tuns    111     *1     16      6S     16     177
          India •                      G56     SC6   L216    3,499   4,071  12,729
          Persia                        Hi      6!     133     62     Z3    1,072
          Arab Ccast •        • Tens   207    1,393   294     442   3,4-13  1,004
          India .                        9             23      20            175
          Persia .                    1,098   1,566  1,893   X3-42  *3,859  7,195
       Traits and Vegetable—
          Arab Coast                                          130     235    290
          Basrah .                                           1,221    171    286
          India                                               2fX     241    241
          Persia                                             lj(&Q    464    433
       Gold and Silver Thread—
          India                                               ICO     200    600
        Haberdashery and Hosiery—
          India                                                U      240    263

          India                                               120     949   2,416
          Persia                                               7      95      81
           end BWm
          Arab Coart         . Boores                  200   2283            650
          Persia                       548     612                   2,483
                                n                       T                     23
       ^•ehold Goo<V—
         a2£~   • •                                            80      9      36
         India                        • H                             • 28
         Persia                             • .M               45     112    641
                                                              244      80   1434
   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398