Page 398 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 398
Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1915-16 to 1917*18.
Qcastity. Yalub
Article*. P.EXABK*.
1913-16- 1916-17. 1917-IS. 1916-16. 1916-17. 1JI7-IB.
£ £ t
Donkfj* . No. 26 14 315 168
building Material 7
Rico . Ton* 2,0544 7,1051 9,814 31,502 101,315 157,266 The iocroaso u do*
to the better state
of the market
The figure i« con
sidered normal
Wheat r% 200 535 5 3,023 11,235 Toe increase is dae
to lo« direct
export from Peril*
to tbe mainland.
Wheat Floor T* &\ 12 99 97 2C6 2,277
Otb er grains 2S 120 420
Coir and Coir rope . • Cwts. 190 1,050 3,175 »jS 2,362 6,291
Fruits -
Dates . Tor* C20 490 750 6,617 5,267 8,424
All kinds . 32
Charcoal 200
Faint and Colour*—
Dyeiig and Coburing 111 26 25
Preci-Ttu Stones and Metai —
Pearl. 134,1*5 364,400 317,992 This figure is beljv
tbe mark, tl*
decrease is n->ai-
Tories* . Lb*. 33S 107
Specie U 100,33.6 125,760 5,166 Decrease das i»
prohibition to es-
port from India-
Provision*— Slight increase dn1
Coffee • Cwts. 2,SU 7,301 8,319 12,013 31,143 36,049 to the bet:*
market on tor
Ghft. : Gallons H-ft 1,344 412 672
Oil Zerosine 33,600 33,850 2,650 1>0 1,300 397 The figure is be!^
the mark. TV
export would prr
baolj amount ts
0 £3,000.
Oil a2 lands
Spices • 922 6,630 The increase to th*
Sugar, Soft, Loaf an«l . Tons 54 2321 926 6,602 28,760 mainland i*
Caadj. mainly to W*
pric*** filing- —