Page 399 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 399

                                     TABLE "B”

          Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1915-16 to 1917-18.

                                Qcajtity.            ViLUK.
             Arik>s-                                                 Eeuabss.
                           1915-16.  1010-17. 1917-1*.1 1916-16.  1*10-17.  1917-18.
                                               £       £      £
      P revision*—co*fi-
        Tea •        . Toas.  59>   96   12C- !  7,9*20  10,240  10,130
        Vermicelli -  . CVj.  261               474
        Provision* of all kind* .              1,203    680

      Textiles and Fairies—
        Cotton Gc*ls fer 1,000 Ta  914  7,694  9,729  15,120  117,031  191,200  The increase j* <Jae
                                                                   to high price*
                                                                   ruling.   The
                                                                    fi"u:e a* consider­
                                                                   ed normal.
        Sail cloth .  • C-rt*.  143       53 • :  sro          720
        Silk and Silk gccds                     200     100    420
        Silver and Gold thread   .*                     150    125
        Twist and Tam . .C*ts.                          120
        Wool and Wcu/Rin good*                  247     106    80

       IE see Han coos—
        Chin*, EartLca and GIa»-                 85     21     100
        Hardware .                              434     410
        Hide* and Sine*. Sccre*   360  444  3C6  2,667  3,108  2£30
        Hcrarehold good* •   .                   20      2     380
        Mai* and Mat Bags •                      22            300
        Maiehe* ,                              • ••     330    7SO
        Perfumery .   .   „   .                  14    600
        S*»rk 6m .                              267            168
        Timber and Wood   ,                     221    400     800
        •ktkfea not tpeidled above .            393     2S0
        ^**5* nod TTfiifir'iw                     t     16

                   Total                      368,903  779,943  817,243
   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404