Page 404 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 404

                Return of shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the foreign trade
                                       port of Bahrain during the year 1917 18.        of the
                                                 Sleur* Vessels.

                                     ENTERED. .                            CLEARED.

                 NATION AX7TT.  Wit* C«ic-d.  1* Balia*?.  Total.  NATIONALITY.  Wit* CtiGo.  I* UllLAVT.  Total
                              <                                     1
                          Vessel*- Tins.ic*. Vessel*. To nr iff.  Vessel*. Tcanoge  Vcs*eH. TiorAgf. Vessel*. Tcu&xff. Vessel*. Torn,-*.
                Briti.h .   24  40.272  ...    24 . 40.272 British .  7  8,481  1  759  8  9.210
                                                 :    I
                J»p*n«^      3  3JX6.              34)06 Japanese  1  1,208           1
                                               3i                                        1.208
                  Total     27  4-4.178 ...    27  4U78  Total     8  9/>S9  1   739  9  20.548
                Return of British shipping "which entered and cleared in the Foreign trade of the port of
                                         Bahrain during the year 1917-18.
                                                 Slctm Vessels.

                                     ENTERLD.                              C LEA.2 ED.

                   ra;oi   Wit* Cajgo.  1* Baxlavt.  To tax.  TO  Wit* Ciioo.  1 a Bali.att.  Total.
                                                 !                  I         I        I
                          Vessej*. Tonnage. Vessel*. Tcia^ge. Vessel*. Tooaire.  Vessels. Tcanige  Vessel*. Toxaige. Vessel*.

                ll'di*      24  •40,272        2  40972 India      7  8,431  1   769  8  9MD

                  Total     24  40,272         24  40,272  Total   7  8,481  1   759  8  9A*


                      -471E APD-1W1A-4A

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