Page 409 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 409


                                                   uf       Gcnerxl    Total
                Year.        Sped#.    Pearl*.    epodo   xxerchamiis®.  export*.
                               £         £          £         £         £
         1917-18                5,106   317,992    323,168   404,035   817,248
         1618-19                2,001    701.333   701,937   612,874.  1,317,811
         Percentage of increwo or   —3-23  + 120-66  + 11814  +24-04    +6124
           decrease  on preTion*

             (2)  Imports.—The total value of imports into Bahrain amounted to
         £1.350,000 as compared with £1,607,019 in 1917-18 showing a decrease of
         £256,9b9 or 15D3 per cent. The decrease is mainly in specie^ and pearls—the
         former is due as mentioned above to severe restrictions against export from
         India, while the latter is due partly to poor catch along the shores of the
         mainland of Arabia (the pearls whereof are brought to Bahrain I to bo sold),
        & a ud partly to non-dcclaratioa of import at the Customs.                          i
             The slight increase of 1*40 per cent., in spite of general decrease in
          quantity, under general merchandise is solely due to continued high prices of
         all commodities during the year under report. Large quantities of China silk
         piece-goods (re-exported from India) have it is suspected been labelled as
          piece-goods in the manifests, in order to reduce the ad valorem duty.
          Such have been valued in this report as “ piece-goods ** in the absence of
         correct information. The decrease in piece-gocds is partly due to overstock
          of it in the previous ye$tr and partly to less import due to high prices ruling,
             (3)  Export*.—The total value of exports for the year under report
          amounted to £1,317,811 as against £817,248 in 1917-13, showing an increase
          of £500,563 or 61*24 per cent. Export of specie lias further dropped by           :
          £1,562 or 3*23 per cent, on account of restriction against the export of specie
          from India; consequently specie in Bahrain, which would ordinarily have
          been shipped to India, was hoarded here till the pearl season when it was used
          for the purchase of pearls. The increase under export of pearls amounts to
          £383,311 or 116*14 per cent, which is nearly normal, as the decrease of the
          previous year was shown to have been due to large quantity of pearls having
          been shipped by native craft without value being declared at the Customs.
          There is still a tendency on the part of some of the pearl merchants to under­
          value their pearls shipped by steamers, in order to save in freight; also  as
          mentioned above a large number of pearls are surreptitiously carried by special
          messengers who run down to Bombay during the season, and bring back specie
          on their way up. The increase of 24*04 per cent, under general merchandise
          is mainly due to rise in value.

                                    ORIGIN OP IMPORTS.

                         Country.                1917-18.   1918-19.     or

          India                                    80*31      60-70      + *39
          Neighboring countries bordering on the Persian   19*58  1914   -*28

          AH other foreign eonntrieo ,   .   »   •   *17        *05      -•18
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