Page 412 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 412
TABLE «' B.”
Total Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain during tho years 191G-17 to 1918-19
Quxxtitt. Voiu*. V
me-i7. 1317-ia 191T-19. 1916-17. 1917*13. 1913-19.
Animals— £ £ £
Hones . No. 7 8 513 450
Donkejs . it 19 290
Camels . 10 10 3 200 •105 250
Slaughter Apicala—
Cattle No. 60 2-17 52 COO •900 561
Goats ud Sheep n 18,100 3,017 5,904 14,480 7,651 7,371
Poultry n 2,600 1,700 1,900 347 340 iSO
Ipparal, irearing 494 857 1,135
Eiscuit* . • 120 169 369
Building Material . 3,372 3,310 24141
CafTee . Cwt*. 17.311 13,617 17,296 73,873 69,566 62.033 Incrett* In mlu< ca — •.
Colz and Ccir Ecpe •• 3J72 10,379 7,025 2J76 13,833 1X514
Cotton, .Bov • . m 149 235 393 710 1,734 2,036
Bio* Tons 20,927$ 20,104 20.7S1 297,635 364,667 417,501 IscttM la ralae
. .
Wheel 1,490 S.223 1,19*3 21,300 614230 25,407 Decr-ij* in qu*si^7^s
restcrt ion*.
m Floor m 320$ 376 340 6,132 8,234 9,052
Other Grains 4,834 13,103 4,604
Spinet • 5,951 15,171 10,447
Colour and Paste 241 454 ns
JMm . Tone 1,695 1059 2^33 17,998 18,658 39,925
Date Jake . • Tine 961 1603 2^43 253 448 14*7
Drags ud Mediants 6S6 1,560 1^68
Zoithen and GZaenrore 997 986 1/654
Ckreoil • • • Tone 874J W70 681 4,110 13,978 104779
Tlravood • • • • m X959 24710 2,688 7,802 8,874 12,806 high priest.
Traits and Vegetable . i,m X250 V**
Geld and SHrw Thread . 600
Haberdashery end Heelery 240 268 136
Hard-ware and Cutlery • 14)82 2,481
Hide* and Slone • JSeoret 612 207 42 2,483 671 • 168
Household Goode • 2» 1,711 488
Hatch m , Caaee 876 879 . . 861 2,767 •4,678 4J78
Kate and Hat Bags J,014 821 3,668