Page 413 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 413
ts ol Principal Articles into Bahrain during the years 1916-17 to 1918-19—conti.
J ljnpor
Quia titt. Yalui.
1910-17. 1S17-18. 1918-19. 1910-17. 1917-18. 1918-19.
£ £ £
Gallon* l&V-oo 148.144 120,864 7,077 11,371 28,291 Large Toctwm In vidas do*
r: wt 3,75-1 4.712 S3,SCO 103,899 152,100 30,400 The decrease doe to Spiros
to kigh prlcoo.
I 2,660 2.S80 2,593 of Impcrt not araGaiio.
:rj •
• . Per 1/00 yard* 23,096 23*955 13,285 338,480 393,310 339,905 It?cm** in rain* do* to
high price*.
liz* 1,163 1,242 1,181
. Gallons 47,024 53,-520 79,000 23,812 33,000 13.235 Incraa<5 In vale* dot to
» Ligi price*.
« • Tons 257} 217 627 3,032 2,605 5,296
12 6 6 373 lfS 231
CN •
,'.iscf all kind* 2,835 4,636 6,761
2,009 6,212 4,082
J. SJi F wee-good* £0 1,650 1,266
Ton* 34 50 7S3 1,632 2,545
I 172
•» 26 1,400
• • 8 SC} 1,612 972 24,065 50,040 31,630 Pecr<«*e in quantity Ixb to
larg* *tock of prericus
Cwt*. 935 1.S36 630 2,805 6,249 4,476 yea*.
« 2.701} 4,440 8,232 14,228 3>,147 60,034 Large lrcea*e-injportei m
lien of specie.
1,253 4,966 15,351 Increue ac* to grext de
\ mand fcrbaildlnf soaitrj
19,641 IS,012 21*2*7 crab.
r. WooEen Good* 100 440 482
i Irist . Cwt* 1,342 1,813 887 9.064 10,647 ?,925
J* 497,233 253,899 Deere*** du* to raatrio
» 64/173 tiono
Zl* tpseified abor# L866 2^31 -1925
gbard TOTAL 1,629,768 1/107,049 1^5^060