Page 403 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 403
table •• c "
Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from Bahrain Islands during the years 1915-16
to 1917-18—concltL
Qcajctjty. Vues.
Article* and Countries to wbrch exported.
1915-1*. 1910-17. 1?17-18. I 1915-16. 19:6-17. 1917-18-
£ £ £
JJidc* and Skins—rvnld.
India Scores 3G0 414 300 2,667 3,108 2,050
Household Goo-1*—
Arab Coast 380
Basrah V) 2
Unti and M*t
Arab Co^st 300
Persia 22.
Arab Coast 9 250 670
15 n 6 rab
Persia •••« • SO no
Arab Coast 7 5CO
15 if rah 3
I erbia *. 4
Shark fin*—
India • Cuts. 180 110 267 168
Toaber and Wood—
Arab Coast 400 600
Ba*rah 221
Persia ,
Articles not specified abovt—
Arab Coast 35 180
Basrah , ' * .?& 127
I®dia . . .• 144
Persia . .1 , 87 100
G&in> Total 368.90* . 779,943 817.241