Page 394 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 394

                                                  table * c.*

                  Total value of Imports from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands during the year 1915.,$
                                                 to 1017-18—r ontd.

                                                       Qvxjctitt.              Valu*.
                  Articles and Countries from whence imported.
                                                1915-16,  201C-17.  1917-15.  1915-16.  1910-17.  1917-18.

                                                                         £      3       £
                  Ma tehee—
                     Arab Coast           . Cases   109                   799
                     India ,                        253    257     353   1.SH   *i,8S4  4,310
                     Persia                 n       23     119     26     169    873     363
                  Mats and Mat Bags—
                     Arab Coa«t                                           So5    768     344
                     Basrah               o                                      127    323
                     India                                       • ••      7     116     15
                     Persia                                                        &     139

                     India                Gallons                3,658                  262
                     Persia                 m    241,360  154,100  144.456  8^18  7,077  11,609
                  Oils of all kinda—
                     Arab Coast                   6,037           332     450            85
                    Basrah                  ft      160                    13          • ••
                     India                        3,900   3,764  4.360    310    962   1,027
                    Persia .                       300                    25
                    Arab Coact         O                               120,000  102,733  160,000
                     India                                               6.S00  1,166  1,300
                     Persia                                              4,500          800
                     Aden .                                               14
                     Arab Coact.                                                  88     n
                    Basrah                                                       187
                    India   O      *                                     1,105  L430   JJ30
                    Persia.     O                                        L901    935   1,657
                    Aden per •         . 1,000 Yds.  43                   680
                    Arab Coast .         •»  m      15     140            240   2,000  2,450
                    Basrah •                m              96             660   1,300  382,025
                    India                n »             23,447        141,160  334^20  4,585
                    Persia               n m                14            160    200

                   Dry and Freak Limes—                                                1,0*
                    Arab Coast                                            916   1,014
                    Basrah                                                18
                    livlia                                       • ••                   ]»
                    Persia         »   »                                   9     149


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