Page 390 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 390
Total l/nporls of Principal Articles Into Bahrain during the years 1915-16 to 1917-18
Quastitt. Valvx.
1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1P16-16. 1916-17. 1917-18.
£ £ £
Pearls 130,300 103.819 163,100
Ferfuinerr . 3,020 2,6*0 2,890
Ficce-goodB . 1,000 Yd«. 8,9251 23,636 23,993 142,803 338.4SO 390,310 Irr.portod in lies tf
■pocie and tV,
iciOrea*e dnf ^
high price* niUe*.
Drj limes P-13 1,163 1.2-12
Ghes . .Galls. 67,103 47,621 53,920 22,743 23,SI 2 33,000 Increase in n>j
d ae to high price
Onions . . Tons 278J 257} 217 2,963 3,012 2,505
Potatoes . . ,, 12 12 5 25<3 373 1».3
Proriaioa of all kinds 3,1 tO 2,835 4,636
S^eds . . 1,622 2.G69 6,213
Shark fins . . Cwts 69 ICO
y. other-o’-Peail „ 16 62
Tortoise shells • 160
Silk and silk piece-goods 740 80 1,550
Candy «, . Tons 25 m 3ft 9G9 783 1,632 Large incrca** dw
to import
Loaf »» 60 26 1,760 1,400 in lien of if**
and to hip
Soft w 976 830} 1,643 22,774 24,665 50,640 prices ruling.
Mow .Cwts. 917 935 1.988 1,875 2,805 6,249
Te* . 9» 9,416 2,301} 4,410 66,410 14,228 35,147
Timber and wood . • •• 3,235 1,253 4,956
Tobacoo . • 20,067 19,641 18/)12
TTool and woslLsn
goods . Cwts 40 100 110
Tarn and twist . „ 483 L342 1,812 3,319 9,054 10.647
Specie • • • 289,032 497,233 258,899
Articles not specified
abors 2,964 1,866 2^31
Gxurn Torax • is 1,172,764 1,629,758 1,607/) 49