Page 432 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 432
nw it means Hint only rice from Karachi :s ally daring the rain*. It is hoped darin** 19^1
, allowed to be exported to the Cult, and no one id this defect would ho romedied-
jermitted to export until he has purchased_ the
right to do bo. This right is obtained by Cnqulrlcs regarding trade.
ebants bidding ag vii at each other for the right
to export a tag of rico. At one period the Ter.d*r 5. Tho Politioal Agent, Bahrain, who is in close
rese to, I believe, 11 per hag of rice. Natur touch with local and mainland affairs, will be very
ally the consumer has had to pay. The system glad to answer any enquiries regarding trade from
has caused the greatest dissatisfaction in Bahrain. merchants in the United Kingdom, through the
It is orccitly hoped 19ill will 6ee its final Commercial Intelligence branch of the Board of
abolition. Trade. Enquiries from India should be made
through the Director General of Commercial
Openings for British Trade. Into.!igenee at Calcutta. Time would probably
be saved by addressing the latter official direct,
3. The trade of Bahrain Islands and as a re as information on most ordinary subjects is avail
sultant the *.rade of Ilassa and Xcjd, is to a great able in his record*.
extent in the hands of Hindu*, Indian Moham
medan, and Persian merchant*, who have had ba Shipping.
nners connections with Islands Trover a century
and a half, and by far the greater portion of this 6. Shipping has continued to be very unsatis-
trade is with India. The only British firm is the factory and the trade of the port has suffered in
Mesopotamia Persia Corporation, Limited (late proportion. The regular Mail Service his been
Grey Paul and Company ). In recent cc rre- aban Joned though strong efforts are being made
spoiidcnce vitb the Director of Commercial Ir.tcl- to reintroduce a regular upward Mail Service
l.gence, Calcutta, I advocated the appointment again.
<f a Goverrment Commercial Agent in Bahrain, (Note.—Subsequent results have been satisfac
whose primary duly would be to put merchants in tory and now 1020, a regular weekly ap aud
dir- ct tou;h with English Houses and generally fortnightly down service has been reintrcduced).
idvise in gutters of trade, etc. AYi-.h the increas Only 56 vessels entered thep:rt on the up voyage
ing importance of Bahrain a6 the distributing as compared with the normal No. SC, and 10 Tassels
centre of central Arabian trade I think the experi called on the down voyage. Freights varied
ment well worth a trial. I might here remark from £3 to £5 per ton from or to Bombay and
that owing to the friction which has existed Karachi by steamer, and by country craft £1-10-0
between tb* Ruler of central Arabia with Lis to £-2-3-0 per ton.
neighbours in the Hejaz nearly all trade that
used to come into Arabia riS the west (Medina, General remarks on trade.
etc.) now cones into his country cii Bahrain and
Koweit. Again as recently as 3 months a»o Bin 7 («j) As usual the pearl trade continues to
Saud ordered all his merchants of the province of dominate the whole commercial situation, and
Qassim -'central Arabia) to nse Bahrain, as their the movements of pearls and specie, though
port instead of Koweit. It is unnecessary to go reacting on the general movements of merchandise
into details as to reasons, etc. The fact remains and foodstuffs must be taken by themselves. Tb*
that the trade of Bahrain is on the increase. table below showing the total import and export
under these heads for the year 1919-20 and*tbe
previous year are of interest.
4. The Tariff is fixed by treaty at 5 per cent. Imports.
cd calorea subsequent to period mader reporiy oa
all imports. Byaa.order oi The Guvemmeuc of
India in Jane the tax on goods landed at T n*. Specie. Ptirta. IN*
Bahrain in transit for the mainland was reduced
tp 2 per cent- from 6 per cent, at which it formerly £ £ £ £ t
stood. Export dnty of Rs. 10 per bundle of 36.400 1.US.9W U*-006
hides and Ra. 2 per basket of dates is charged. 1*1*-® 64.»n cua uM4*
The Custom* work is carried on for the Ruler lfil*-® 36,778 26,464
of Bahrain by a Hindu firm, a member of which Fmcntart mi j-4ono -27*0 -»• « ♦ I'M ♦477
Increase «r
acta as Director. Owing to the lack of a shed on dwrtu* «■
the landing pier goods get very damaged espeo-