Page 435 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 435

            <« B " Imports.—Total Imports of principal articles into Bahrain during the years 1917-*®
                                        to 1919-20.

                                    Quuititt.          Valvs.
                Article*.                                             Rzuxrkh.
                               1017-13  1013*19. 1919-20.1917-13. I9ie*19. 1919-20.

                                                   t     £     £
          Horse* •   •   . No.     7     9     7   613   450   295
          Donkcj*           n           10     4         290    J03
          Camel*            ft    10     6    13   400   250   651
       SlaogMer Animal#—
          Cattle .         No.   247    62   151   905   661  1,820
          Go»t* and Sheep   «   8,017  5,904  8,0j2  7,561  7.871  20,010  Increase in value due
                                                                    to high price*.
          Poultry               1,700  1,900  21,100  3-10  430  120
       Appai*'. wearing                            857  1,135  1,363
       Birnit*   •   •                       twt   169   369    179
       Building material                          3,310  2,211  6,735
       Coffee   •   •     Cuts.  18,617  17,296  21,159  69,566  62,033  92,812  Increase in value due
                                                                    to high pricee.
       Coir and rope   •        10,379  7,025  8,132  13,835  12,614  17,788
       Cotton, raw               235   398  3,297  1,734  2.086  9,972
          Bice            . Tens.  20,104  20,781  15,364  361,637  417,601  105,959  Increase in value due
                                                                    to high pricee.
          Wheat .           m   2,923  1,198  2,019  61,230  26,107  16.828
          Wheat Flour .     m    375   340   576  8,234  9,032  14,357
          Other Grain*                           13,102  1,604  7,510
          8picee   .                             15,171  10.417  6.824
       Colour and Paint*                           454   726  1,092
       Dt>tes   •                           2,836  18,658  39,925  37.969
       Bate Juice _ .      Tine             3,932  448  1,057  L267
       I>ng* and Mcdieince                        1,650  1,266
       Earthen and G bus war*                      9S6  1.664  3459
          Charcoal        Tone.  1,370  581  1,123  13,978  10,079  321S4
          Firewood              2,210  2,588  1,402  8,374  12405  7446
       Fruit and Vegetable                        1450  3,332  7,160
       Gold and Silver Thread                      eoo        1.600
       Haberdashery and Hosiery                    263   136   762
       Hardware and Cutlery                       3,481  2,441  25.138
       Hide* and akin*    JScoree  207  42   134   673   168   469
       Household good*   •                        1,711  488  1404
       Matches .   .   ' .  Caste  379  •« 1  323  4,678  4473   3,715
       Mate and Mat Bag*                           821  . 3.658  . 4409
          Xeroeine       Gallons 148,144  120,864 289,496  11,871  28^91  26,422

          AH kind*              4,712  33.860  66J0O4  1,116  8.986
        Pearl*                                   162,100  88.400  24,464
        Perfumery                                 2,880  2*98  9*90
        Piece-good*   ! 1,000 Yd*]  23,986  18*86  17,960  >90,310  399,906 m/m
   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440