Page 438 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 438

                   Table “C” I.—Imports.—Total value of Imports from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands
                                      during the years 1917-1918 to 1919-20—contd.

                                                         Quajttitt.              Talus.
                    Articles aid Countries from whence imposed.
                                                  1917-18.  1918-19.  1019-20.  1917-18.  1918-19.  1919-29.

                                                                            £       £      £
                  Cotton, Raw—
                    Arab Coast               Cwt«.            14      85
                    India                      »*    • 159    ICO   2,369    935           7.VJ4
                    Peraia .                          70     224     S13     799           2.144
                     Arab Ccast              .Tons    204     63     823    3,473  1,248  29.925
                     Ranrab .                  m                     '2S8                  Wl
                     India .                        19,895  20.71s  14,243  SCO,776  416)263  370,212
                     Persia .                  ft     15                     303
                     Arsb C<xrl                ft     72      24      10    1,223   494     »1
                     India •                   rt    2,839  1,164   1,999  69,771  24,669  44X56
                     Persia .                          12     10      41     236    214     97J
                    "Wheat Floor—
                     Arab Coo at .             rt      17      2       3     4S2     61      U
                     India   .   ,             ft     342    233     674    7,436  8,869  14,‘xa
                     Peraia .   .              ft      16      6             316     132   •ft
                  Other Grains—
                    Arab Coast                 ft                           1,107    159    976
                    Basrah                     ft                                    612   4W
                    India   •                                              11,817   3,768  1#7
                    Persia   •                 ft                            178     76      IS
                    Arab Coast                 ft                             69    651     1S1
                    Basrah                                                    11
                                               ft                                          *6,63$
                    India                      rt                   • M    16,091  9,796
                   Colour and Paints—
                    Arab Coast                 ft                            100    126     143
                    Basrah   •   •             ft                   • ••
                    India   .   •              w»                            264    643     673
                    Persia   •   •             ft                             90     66     276
                    Arab Coast                 ft    L067   2,049   2,473  17,669         31,274
                    Basrah                     ft      85     41     336     879           5*18
                    Persia                     ft      7      49      78     110           10

                  Date Joice—
                    Arab Coast               . Tina  1^03   J.6U    8,933    448   1,057   10
                  Drags and 3Iednr?nee—                                                     111
                    Arab Co**t                 »                             67     161
                    Basrah                     ft                   *♦*    • ••      74
                    India                    • M                             948    916
                    Perak                                           ttt      666
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