Page 443 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 443
H._Exports.—Total exports of principal articles from Bahrain during the years 1917-18
Table ••
to 1919-20.
QuiXTITT. Yalvu.
1917-19. 1918-10. 1919-20. 1917-18. 191S-19. 1919-20.
£ £ £
Donkeja • . Xo» U 21 3 1C8 C30 91
tighter A« -
^krep aud Gait* • m 39 78
Building Materials • • •• 79 2W
Base - • . Ten 6. 9.811 8C37 7.931 187,566 205.779 2.61.051
Wheat - • • m :A5 237 798 11,233 5,503 14.S99
Wheat Flavor . 99 61 130 2.2*7 L V«S 3,794
Other Grain* • « 120 2.227 1,156
Co'iX and Coil B-oj« . .cS* 3,175 2,385 2.410 6291 6,031 5,v62
Da-t« . Teas 760 067 8C7 S.421 12.2CO 15,7.33
All kinds . IH 54 S3*
Cb-crcofll • n 50 G3 921
Firr wood . H 98 164 679 962
Pilot and Colonra—
Dj ring and colo uring Material* . ••• 25 49 74
P«’«t»a* Stone* and Metals—
Petri* . 317.992 .701^333 293&X>
sped* • . 6,106 3,609 36*63
Coffee . .Cat*. 8,319 4,894 4,395 36.049 21435 22,649
vboe , . . Gallozs 3.124 8,996 2,003 9,745
Oni.oo* .C*U. 616 273 <5'8 m
Broriiion* of all kinds 2^32 4,0*09
ErmsiDS . Gallons 2,650 31,196 48J288 397 5.198 7^12
13 kinds . •sa 1,418 4,733
Seri. . 1,217 1.013
64 0 4,3:35 1,613
soft loaf and candy 925 612 222 28,750 19,5 T* 11.U.O
lea 120 136 60 10,430 21.550 9,247
Tixoltm and Fabric*—
^«^ood* per 1,000 yds. 9,729 14,241 9.279 191,200 279450 218724
. Carts- 121 63 81 720 5«6 W16
f*dc»odKilkgr^dU *. 420 233 263
S.rer and Geld 1 bread 125 ISO 335
»nd Tara . 180 68 950 476
"aoi and Woolen goods •. • M 80 185