Page 439 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 439


               |#__Imports.—Total value of Imports from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands
                          during the years 1917-1918 to 1919-20—contd.
                                            Qvaktitt.              VAtU*.
        Artk1** and Counlric* from whence imported.
                                     1917-18.  1918-19.   1919-31.  1917-18  1918-19.   1519*20.

                                                              £       £ | £
       Earthen and Glasrwirc—I
        Arab Coast                                              IS     116     8
        Basrah                                                                120
        India   .                                                     1.393  3.660
        Pc:»i»   >                                              41     43     101

         Ajr-»b Coast •                  16  &   2i      9     177     93     177
         Jadia .   •                    1,216   569   1.059  12.729  9,819   11,950
         Tenia .                         13S     10     SO    1,072    167    327
         Zanzibar                                  I    39           IM       205
       Firewcipd—                                  :                     !
        Arab Coast              . Tom    294    462    Oil •         2,774   3,319
        India •                   91     23     398    472           1,892 '   2.390
        Persia                    n    1,893   1,808   2c)           8,139 .  1,132
       Fraits and Vegetable*—
        Arab Coast                                                    851 |  2,161
        Basrah •   .                                                  118 1   1,061
        India                                                         974    2.418
        Persia                                                 423    389 •   1.520

       Gold and Silver Thread—
        India        -a                9*«                     eoo           1,600
      HaVcrdaiheiy and Hodeiy—
        India                                                  2)63   136 ’   752
      Bird ware and Outlay—
        Arab Coast   o                                          35     153     36
        BasTah .                                                              147
        India   .   .  o                                      2.415  2,278 '   24,937
        Pet da   .   s                                          31     16 !    16
      Hides and Skins—
       Arab Coa*               Scorn    200      28     82     650 i  112     287
        Penia                             7      14     52             56     182
      Household Goods—
       Arab Coast   .                                           36     28      60
       India .   .   J                                         541     125    277
             :                                                UM       335    967
       Arab Coast              .Case*            11                    135
       India .          t        »*     353     310    213    A310   4,138   2^426
       Peru* „                           26            no      363:  • ••    1.289
   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444