Page 444 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 444
Tabic «• B" IL—Exports.—Total exports of principal articles from Bahrain during the years 1917.18
to 1919-20.—contd. s
Qcaxtitt. Valux.
1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20.
£ £ £
China., Earthen and Glaaiware • •• 100 425 «S4
Drag* and Medicine* . • • M 146 79
IT a rd war# . » • « H 773 6.006
Hide# and Shin* Scores 308 40 84 2,050 273 683
Uooaebold goods 330 429 246
Ktti and Mat bags 300 313 176
Matche* . Caeca 207 122 780 2,330 1,656
Perfumery 530 CCS
Shark Fina Cwta- 110 90 42 168 210 113
Timber and Wood WO 3,410 4,9 S3
Tobacco 4,722 3,313
Article* not *peci£ipd abore • •• 631 1,673