Page 447 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 447
m ii.—Exports.—-Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from Bahrain Islaodj
Table 11C
during the years 1917-18 to 1919-20—contd.
Qva.vtitt. VAtU*.
Article! and Countries to which exported.
1917-18. 191819. 1919-20. 1917-18. 1913-10. 1919-20.
£ £ £
AH kind*—
Amb Co«t • • i 1,320
Basrah 9 :i 43
Persia ••• so
Arab Coast .! 8S0 844
Bas'ab • 37
Persia . 300 ICS
Arab Coast 6,330 4JH3 1,53*1
Easrah . 161 6G
Persia 150 1C1 27
S:fi Loaf and Candj-—
Arab Coast . . . T..ik • 725 413 221 22,750 15,720 11/50
Bssrab . . • 55 2 JO l
Persia . • • : : ! 200 40 1 6,000 1.320 60
Tea— I
Arab Coast • ~ 20 74 4 2,950 12,333 595
Basrah • . • r» All 23 2 4.13*) 297
Persia . • • 99 60 34 61 7,430 4,712 8,255
Texalc-s and Fairies—
Celt on Good*—
Arab Coast • . per 1,000 Yds. 9,1S<5 13,498 9,044 150,500 205,100 213,150
Basrah 123 2,420
r* rt 99 ■ a*
Persia • 91 n 99 313 622 235 10.700 12,430 5,544
S'Jl Cloth—
Arab Coast . • Cirt*. 68 SO 47 420 360 691
Persia . 63 23 34 300 148 425
and Silk Good*—
Arab Coast • . .420 136 214
Persia . . # 97 47
Piker and Gold Thread—
Arab Coast . . 126 190 235
Tarn and Twist—
Arab Coast . , . Cwta. 146 64 690
Persia . , , • •• 448
34 4 260 28
*nd WooDm Good*—
A^a6 Coast . • •• 63 169
Persia .
’ % • •• 80 ••• 21