Page 453 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 453


                                         ON THE

                     TRADE OF THE BAHRAIN ISLANDS

           for the years ending 31st March 1921 and 31st March 1922.

                                            Government of India in 1320 the tax on goods
                                            landed at Bahrain in transit for the mainland
         A general description of the physical, political,   was reduced to two per cent, from five per cent,
       and commercial peculiarities of the Islands is   at which it formerly stood. Export duty of
       given in the report for the year 1011-1*2   Hs. 10 per handle of bides and Rs. £ per basket
        (Annual Series No. 5»i32). The permauent   of dates Is charged. The customs work is
       population his increased to about 113,000, this   carried on for the Ruler of Bahrain by a Hindu
        increase being mainly among the foreign com­  firm, a member of which acts as Director.
        mercial community doing business in Manamah.  Owing to the lack of a shed on the Landing pier
                                            g<xxls are often damaged especially during the
                                            rains. The Ruler has as yet taken no steps t->
        2. Slump in Trade in 1920-21 and Partial   remedy the defect.
                  Revival ia 1921-22.
                                                  4. Enquiries regarc    --
         As a result of the world-wide depression in
       trade, the peir! market was exceptionally dull in   The Political Agect, Bahrain. *  * is in close
       the rear 1020-21. This, as is always the case in   touch with lojal and mainland a flairs, will be
       the Bahrain Islands, is at once reflected in the   very glad to answer any enquiries regarding
       figures for the general trade of the Inlands.   trale by merchants ia the United Kingdom,
       Imports show a decrease in value of £103,430   through the Commercial Intelligence Branch of
       and Exports £533,278 compand with the year   the Board of TraJe. Enquiries from India should
       19J 0-20 ; the latter figure Icing mainly due to a   be made through the Director-General of Com-
       large decrease in the value of exports, mainly   m *rc,’il Intelligence at Calcutta. Time would
       pearls. The decrease was actual 6inoe very few   probably ' be saved by addressing the latter
       J«arls were sold, though probably not so great   official direct, as information on most ordinary
       as tbe figures would show owing to the fact that   subjects is available in his records.
       pearls arc rarely exported on manifest and com­
       plete records are therefore not available.
                                                      5. General remarks.
                                             The tender system for export of rice from
         A dight revival of trade occurred in the year India cea»*l in 1322. It had caused great dis-
       1921-°i imports showing an increase over 192'*- satisfaction and was open to much abase.
       « ?*                                  The number of Motor C» ia the Isl.nd h..
                    3. Customs.            which are imported direct from. America on a
        The Tariff is fi xed by treaty at five per cent through * Bill of Lading1 thus escaping custom*
      «d cakrem on all imports. By an order of the in India. Any English firm of Light Car
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