Page 454 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 454
suppliers who would be enterprising enough to * English, and typed on list* without any referCDc#
is.ue a ciKular in Arabic and Persian to the . ,0 tho actual exhibit. It is unlikely that intend-
G ulf Ports ruight be well rewarded. ' ing Arab or Persian customers would go to the
The Director-General of Commercial Intclli- - ^-nfff'h of having the lists translated and. then
pence sent a number of samples from various endeavouring to discover among the exhibits the
Indian firms, of such articles as soap, hardware, ari*cl(M to which each price referred,
cutlery, tinned fruits, etc. These were exhibited to It is highly desirable that firms who exhibit
the public for a long period. It is doubtful samples should do ao with due regard to the
whether any trade resulted. Tho principal irarkot tor which the exhibits are made, as re
reason mar be attributed to tho very unsatis- girds the language for written matter, and every
factory way the articles were put up. The article should be clearly marked with prices, and
majority of the articles bad no label attached to name and address of the supplier. Neglect of
show address of suppliers or price of the article, such elenc-ntary precautions entirely jeopardises
Terms of business and prices were invariably ia the prospects of supplies.