Page 511 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 511


      REPORT ON THE                  TRADE OF THE BAHRAIN
            ISLANDS FOR              THE YEAR ENDING 31 ST
            MARCH 1924.

                   Introduction.                           Customs.
       A general description o£ the physical, political The Tariff is fixed by treaty at 3 per cent'^d-
      snd commercial peculiarities of the Islands i* given valorem on ali imports. By no order of Government
      in the report for the year 1011-12 (Annual Series of India in Jane 1920 the tax on good* landed at
      No. 5032). The permanent population is estimated Bahrain in transit for the mainland was reduced to
      at 115,000.                           2 per cent from 5 per cent at which it formerly stood.
                                            Export duty of Rs. 10 per bundle of hides and R*. 2
                      Trade.                per basket of dates is chirked. The Customs work
       The total value of trade for the vear under report ia   on ™ European Director of Customs
      amounted to £2,609,225 as against £3,315,160 in   under the orders of the Ruler of Bahrain. On.
      1922-23 showing a decrease of £714,935 or 21-5 per   account of thire not being a shed on the landing pier
      cent.                                 poods are oftea damaged, especially during the rains.
                                            This defect is being remedied this year.
       The total value of Imports amounted to £1,711,686
      as compared with £2,154,571 in 1922-23, showing
      a decrease of £742.8*5 or 30-2 per cent. The de«   Enquiries regarding Trade.
      creases wore chiefly in specie an-i rice..
                                             The Polirkal Agent. Bahrain, who is in close
                                            touch with Ic'-al and mainland affairs, will be very
       ml ,   .   ,   ,   , .   .      x , clad to answer any onauirie-s regarding trade from
       Th. toul value of exports for the vear amounted c,„ch,nts in ,,,e Ct.itcl Kingdom through the Com-
      to £8*$.o39 as against £8<jO,oS9 showing an increase   mcrcial Intelligence branch of the Board of Trade.
      of £27,950 or 3-2 per cent.
                                            Enquiries fr.o India should be made through the-
       The pearl trade dominates the commercial situa-  Director-General of Commercial Intelligence at
      non: the following table shows the movements of Calcutta. Tiiie would probably be saved by addrtss-
      gcncral merchandise as compared with pearls and ing the latter official direct, as information on most
      specie :—                            ordinary matters is av&il*k]e in his records.
                       I Toll! oi I Crrvral   tctal
        Year.  Specie.  Pearl. I peirl* I Mcr-   ls> porta.  There is a regular weekly maO service from India
                      . ]and tpecic.j chaodL«e.
                                           and bi-weekly to India. As already reported in.
                                           the previous rear's report owing to the abolition
               £          £     £ { £      of the British Post Office at Busbire, the practice
     1922- 22  1,442,614  1.4424-H  1.011,757 I 2.45071   of sending mills to India by up-steamers ri*
     1923- 24   023,045  C23jMi  1,068,041 ! 1.711,060   Bushire has cased. Thus tbe number of mails to-
     P«rrcota*eof  -50-8  —     -f 7*0 i —30-2  India has been reduced from 6 to 2. - This naturally
      Incmv «r
      <Ucfraae.                            adversely affects tbe commercial community.
                    Exports.                          General Remarks.
                                     Ttia,   Motor road* suitable foe light cars exist between
        Year.  Speck.  Peuii.  Toui.  >W-  Manamah and Sukhair, a distance of 18 miles and
                              chandbe.     between Mananah and Budaiyah 12 miles. There*
                                           are about 100 motor car* of various makes on the
              ft    C     £     £     £    Bahrain Islands, and motor car* are also available:
     1922*22   85434  334491  420427  440,002  S6C4&0  on hire.
     192 *-24.   28.330  433407-  459427  428.71*  861459
     JVrr»nUx*of   +*9-4-             + »*
      lorn-a* ar          +►*   —2*                    C. K. Dxlt, Major, I.A^
                                                                Folilical Agents
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